First day back

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How do you explain a life story like mine to someone you just met in literally two sentences... you just don't.

A wise mentor once told me that it is you who decides your future but never do so on an empty stomach, the words of wisdom pouring out of my eleven year old sister like she was a hundred year old Buddhist, as we ate waffles before the first day back to school after christmas break. unfortunately though her words true she didn't quite get my nerves to go back to school. the absolute silence that rang in my ears, or the scar that was barley covered by the light brown hair growing back on my head all begging to be questioned by my friends who haven't seen me in 9 months. just like that It all comes back to me, the crash, the surgery, every emotion flushing through my body like the pain and silence was brand new again. My eyes began to well with tears and suddenly I see my mother waving her hand to catch my attention jerking me back to reality as she signed frantically while trying to pack up her coffee. I slowly grabbed my things trying to prolog my final moments of peace in this house before inevitably being sucked back into the social world. you see no one knows where I've been, and after a while they stopped caring but to a jungle of gossiping teens today I will be the star. I drag myself outside and slump into the car, staring at me flawless face and perfectly done makeup. I smile a little and quickly shut the mirror before anyone noticed me. A few minutes later a jumped out of the SUV brushing down my beautiful new pink dress and fixing my hair then headed for the school to meet my new interpreter. When I got inside I was luckily early and rushes straight to the main office. A few minutes later i was greeted by the principle and a young man about my age. "hello, I am Matthew, your new interpreter" he signed. I softly smiled and greeted him back " ella, nice to meet you" I said hold out my hand for him to shake. His ice blue eyes looked down at my hand and he firmly met my grip with a strong shake. We left the office to get acquainted, making a little small talk until I was met face to face with my best friend and entourage Mikyla, emma, and Sophia. I locked eyes with Mikyla who seemed to have taken on my role as leader of the group, and though I quickly darted my eyes away and tried to hide behind Matt it was too late. she came rushing over, hugging me jabbering on. I couldn't hear her and she was talking to fast for me to read her lips. Matt noticed my struggle and began to translate. "omg we haven't hear from you in months! i was beginning to think you died, you know someone started a rumour you were pregnant!!" " YEAH you probably started the rumour." I signed giggling and before he cold translate it to Mikyla she froze as she realized what was going on " what is going on?" he translated as Mikyla ripped off my hat showing my small amount of hair and the massive scar across my scalp. "OMG girly what happened", here we go i thought as i sighed and began to explain it all to her. once i was finished she embraced me so tightly, something i missed and then the bell rang. she and the others waved goodbye and went to class. I stood in the hall defeated, on the brink of tears, and I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and buried my head in matts chest fully crying and inhaling his familiar sent as he cradled my fragile head in his hands. I pulled my self through the rest of the day answering question after question, using every ounce of energy to follow along. I was too distracted by Matts thick brown hair and stunning smile that lit up my whole body. We chatted for a little at lunch, little bits of life stories, just enough to be acquainted.When the day was finally over I stood outside in complete silence, watching as students chattered away carefree, as I was isolated from everyone, everything. I began to walk home when I felt a hand on my back. I turned around to see Matt eyes gleaming, "want a ride?" he signed , i nodded and smiled slightly. The ride home was awkward but i loved it.  

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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