Our Child

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•Eleven POV• (Woah)
I had my head on Mike's lap and I looked up into his eyes, tears forming in my own. I never really thought about this moment. I was going to have a baby. My baby. Mike's baby. Our child. The more I thought about it the more I couldn't believe it was true. What if I couldn't do it? I clenched my eyes shut, feeling the hot tears fall down the sides of my face.

Mike took his hand and put it to the side of my face, wiping away the tears that had fallen. Neither of us had said anything in a while, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The silence was comfortable. That is until blood curdling scream escaped my lips, as I watched Mike's face morph into a terrified expression. He grabbed my hand, trying his best to sooth me. I felt his hand and mine and squeezed it tightly, praying for the pain to be over. Max turned and looked back at us nervously.

"Her contractions are 3 minutes apart." Max said to Mike, slightly speeding up the car.

"What does that mean?" Mike asked, still holding onto my hand gently.

"The baby is almost here."

•Lucas POV•
We walked up to the doors of the lab to find Will walking out in a panic. He let out a relieved sigh when he saw us, quickly approaching us.

"Where did you go?" Dustin asked loudly, lightly shoving Will in the shoulder.

"I went to find you guys." He said. We both rolled our eyes at him, sighing loudly and walking away from the lab.

"How do we get to the hospital?" Will said curiously, noticing that the car was no longer there. We both shrugged, just realizing the problem now. We looked around the parking lot, noticing that the only other veichles were Hawkins Lab vans parked at the other side of the lot.

"Should we take one of those?" Dustin asked me. I thought for a while, figuring out how we would even find the keys to one of the cars. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head and I began to walk quickly towards the building.

idk if anyone can tell but im like so done with this story and im seriously excited for you guys to see the new series! im kind of loosing inspiration on this even though i have a direction that im going. idk its just not super fun to write anymore. Im having too much fun with the new series. honestly there are so many plots going on at once y'all arent ready. but yea mileven feels coming soon!

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