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I followed Dr Takeda back into the corridor, and I could see that Aka had already got out of her capsule. Ao was climbing out, Midori was yawning and Honōiro hadn't moved yet. Aka and Ao were already having a conversation, but rather than greeting each other they were asking if either of them knew where they were.
"Good Morning, girls!" Dr Takeda said to them, and as the three that were awake stared at him I gave what I thought was a friendly smile. "If you would like to find out who, what and where you are, please follow Murasakino and I." We followed Dr Takeda to the blank wall at the end of the corridor, and behind us the other two capsules opened and the girls that were inside hurried over. At the apparent dead end, another small circle was situated on the wall, and when Dr Takeda looked at it a section of the wall moved backwards, then sideways. On the other side was a busy office-type room. It was circular, over one hundred metres wide, and so loud I was surprised we hadn't heard it in the corridor. There were rows of seats and computers in the middle of the room, which sloped downwards to create a kind of cone shape. The rows of desks went round the centre and all the way up to where we were stood. I also noticed that the entire room was surrounded by doors, all of which led to a set of rooms owned by someone else, and the ceiling rose up into a huge dome shape.

   "We're just going to the whiteboard room," Dr Takeda said, pointing to a door not too far from us. As we walked, scientists turned round to greet us and grin, and many wore strange contraptions on their heads that I couldn't recognise. People were typing, talking and fixing things everywhere I looked, and it looked like such a friendly, fun place to work. I couldn't quite see the very middle of the room, but there was a crowd of excited sounding people gathered around it. At the door Dr Takeda looked up at the little red circle to open it. Inside was a whiteboard, as I had guessed, and a few chairs set up in front of it. "Please sit down, everyone." The girls all sat on the front row, and I sat behind them. "Now, I'm going to answer any questions you have after a short demonstration. You are all robots, made by me, and here is what you look like." he said, sketching out a rough picture of one of our faces. "You have been given a job, and here is what you do. You are going to work in a supermarket at the cash registers, and help people buy things they need." I knew what a supermarket was, and had a rough idea of what a cash register looked like, but I thought helping people all day sounded like a great job to have. The scientists all helped people with their inventions and gadgets, and their jobs looked like great fun.

"You may be wondering how you knew so much the first time you woke up," Dr Takeda said, and I saw from the other girls' faces that they had only just realised it. They whispered something to each other. I leaned forward to listen, and noticed that Dr Takeda had made them so they didn't have the same voice. They looked back up at the scientist, who continued. "It is because I loaded enough data into your minds so that you don't need to go to school. A whole exabyte, in fact. That is the same as 1000000000000 gigabytes." I was impressed. That was a lot of information. Midori raised her hand. "Yes, Midori?"
"Why do we not get damaged by water?" asked the girl in green.
"Excellent question! Your skin is made from a very hydrophobic material, so water just slides off. Yes, Aka?"
"How do we breathe?"
"You breathe with two machines inside yourselves that simulate lungs, pulling and pushing air through your mouths and noses." I suddenly remembered about the pulse I felt, and raised my hand. "Murasakino?"
"Why do we have a pulse? Do we have blood vessels and hearts?"
"You have extra thin pipes that simulate blood vessels, and a red coloured liquid instead of blood. The vessels lead to a specially designed heart that beats, and amongst them are wires that link to different body parts..."

The talk went on for another ten minutes. In that time, we found out that we could feel pain and emotions, as well as all five senses like a human. I found this interesting, as we were the first robots ever to be given emotions, and Dr Takeda had given us them to make us as realistic as possible. The idea of making blood, blood vessels, lungs, hearts and even digestive systems (so we could eat) was very clever of him. As soon as we were done, Dr Takeda handed out name badges. Mine read;

Hello! I am

These were for working at the cash registers, so that anyone who wanted to know our names could. We were lead to a seven seated car with our names on the seats, and Honōiro noticed something as she sat in the back;
"Dr Takeda? Why is there a seat for someone called Tākoizu?" she asked.
"Ah, yes. I have almost finished a sixth sister for you, and she will be joining you soon. Her capsule is next to Murasakino's." I looked in his direction in disbelief, as I hadn't even noticed the capsule on my left. We drove along a curved road that rose above other roads and a river, and saw all of the buildings of the city. There were skyscrapers all around us, some for houses and some for places of work. Smaller buildings appeared, and a marketplace selling home-grown crops and street food. When the supermarket came into view, a rush of excitement flooded over me. In less than five minutes I would be helping people; at least, that was how Dr Takeda put it. I did spot a large area with no buildings that stretched to the horizon, but I was too concentrated on the supermarket to have a good look. I was going to get a job, after all, and all five of us knew it would be amazing.

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