Dinner with Indigo

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   As the others had their showers, I dried myself, put my wet clothes in the changing cubicle and walked to the wardrobe, wrapped in a towel. The firs door had underwear behind it, and the one next to it had some shirts similar to the ones we usually wore. There were shoes on the bottom shelves, and a box of jewellery. I looked in the other wardrobe too, and this was where all of the smart clothes were; dresses, skirts, jumpers and tights, as well as some make-up. I just chose a pale purple jumper, a black skirt and some white tights to put on, then went back to the other wardrobe to get some shoes. Not knowing which ones would fit with my outfit, I picked up some round black shoes and took some diamond earrings from the box. I could tell they weren't real, but they looked just as sparkly and mysterious as diamonds. I won't bother with make-up, I thought, because I wouldn't know which would be best to wear. After putting on my clothes I dried my hair and sat waiting for the others inside my cubicle. I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to spot any visible robotic parts of my body, but I could find none. Evidently, Dr Takeda was talented at disguising them.

   Indigo Gardner was already seated at the table when we went upstairs, Dr Takeda and Cathy sat with her. She had a shiny black suit on, and blonde hair that looked golden-brown, which was tied up in a bun. Her brown eyes were directed toward Dr Takeda, who met her stare with his blue eyes and smile, and both were laughing. As Indigo saw us walking in, she looked at us in surprise, grinning.
   "My goodness, they're incredible!" she said, looking back to Dr Takeda. "And they're all dressed so nicely!" The other girls had put lipstick and blusher on, so they looked a little nicer than I did, but Indigo didn't seem to mind. "Aren't you all beautiful?" she smiled.
   "Mrs Gardner," Dr Takeda began, pointing to each of us as he said our names. "Aka..."
   "Hello, Mrs Gardner."
   "Pleased to meet you," I said trying to be as polite as I could.
   "... and Tākoizu." Tākoizu just blushed and did a small wave with her hand. Indigo looked very impressed with Dr Takeda for making us, and congratulated him on making them so well.
   "You are a very clever man, Takeda," she said. "Anyways... is dinner ready yet? I'm hungry."

   We all sat down together to eat the lasagne. It was a little awkward, as every time I looked up, Indigo was staring at me or one of the other girls. I just politely smiled back, then looked down at my lasagne. It tasted really delicious, but every time I looked up to see Indigo's eyes I felt as if I was gradually losing my appetite. Of course, Indigo seemed like a nice woman, but I couldn't help thinking that I could sense something bad when looking at her. It was probably just how wide her eyes were, and the fact she was concentrating on me and eating at the same time. I decided to think nothing of it, and continued to eat.
   "Why don't you...?" she began, pausing to swallow a piece of food. Everyone looked up at her. "Why don't you have any make-up on?" I realised that she was still looking at me.
   "She doesn't?" Dr Takeda asked, looking at me and causing everyone else to look too.
   "Uhh..." I began. "I, um... didn't know what would look nice..." My cheeks went hot, and Midori whispered something to Ao.
   "Okay, just asking." Indigo put down her fork and Cathy collected our plates.

   Before dessert, Cathy went to the kitchen with our plates and we went into yet another awkward conversation. By awkward, I mean Dr Takeda and Indigo talked while the rest of us just sat and looked at either them or the table.
   "And they walk to work?" Indigo asked Dr Takeda.
   "Yes. Accompanied, of course." Dr Takeda pointed to the room Cathy was in. "Cathy goes with them."
   "And is Cathy a scientist here?"
   "Oh, no. She's just a close friend of mine. She does like helping in the lab, though.
   "In what way?"
   "Well, she made the girls' clothes herself and likes to make things for their lunches."
   "I forgot to ask... how do they eat?"
   "It's just like how a person eats; they eat the food, digest it, then... you know..."
   "Yes," Indigo said, giggling. Tākoizu stood up, then saw everyone looking and stopped.
   "Sorry. Just going to the toilet," she said, blushing. She pushed her chair in and slowly walked toward the bathroom. Turning around, everyone was still looking, so she smiled shyly and continued walking.

   "Here comes the cheesecake!" Cathy said, carrying four small bowls and spoons.
   She set them down in front of us, and the girls went "Oooh!" when they looked in them. The cheesecake had red swirls of fruit on top, and it tasted great with the base. Finishing hers first, Indigo put her spoon down and leaned back in her chair.
   "Aaahhhh!" she sighed, smiling up at the ceiling.
   "Seems like someone liked it," Cathy said, her mouth full of cheesecake.
   "Well, I need to go now, but I expect to be coming back tomorrow. After all, I need to see everybody here," Indigo said, getting a jacket. "See you soon, girls!"
   "Bye!" we said simultaneously, waving. She put on her jacket and headed to the door, before turning her head back and shouting to Dr Takeda.
   "Remember the agreement!"
   "Of course, Mrs Gardner!" he shouted in reply.
   "Agreement?" Honōiro asked, curious.
   "Yes," Dr Takeda replied. "I'm sorry, but it is private information so I can't tell you what it is, Honōiro."
   "Okay." she leaned over toward Aka and lowered her voice to a whisper. "What do you think it is?" she asked her.
   "He probably likes her," Aka said, and they both giggled quietly.

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