Chapter One: Hungover Trè

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Billie woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. Pleasant.
"Trè? Are you okay, man?" he called, reluctantly getting out of his cocoon of warmth and safety. Mike was still asleep next to him. Lucky basterd.
"Ugh," the drummer replied, "I'm fucking hungover as fuck".
Billie heard the toilet flush and Trè exited the bathroom.
"Lie down, man, I'll get you some water and pills," the petite singer sighed, holding his breath as he entered the bathroom.
Trè nodded, and lie down on the second bed.
"Ugh, I'm never drinking again!" he declared dramatically.
"That's what you said last time," Billie reminded him, passing him two Advil pills and a glass of tap water.
"Oh yeah," Trè downed the water and pills quickly, before yawning and lying back on the bed.
"Sleep it off, man," Billie urged, "we have a show tonight".
Trè was out before the sentence was finished.

Five times Billie looked after a band mate, and one time they looked after himWhere stories live. Discover now