Chapter Three: Très fear

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This isn't true at all. I made this all up in my fucked up head. Based on a tour bus

Billie was just chilling and drinking a beer with Mike when they heard Trè scream.

Not much could surprise the drummer, it was more him surprising everyone else, so they ran to the back of the bus, where Trè was huddled in a corner, shaking.

"Kill it! Billie, fucking kill it!" he cried.

Then they saw it. A big, hairy spider, about half the size of Billies hand, had decided to chill on top one of Très shirts.

Mikey looked two seconds away from dying of laughter, while Trè looked two seconds away from bursting into tears. Billie sighed. He picked up the vile creature, opened a window and tossed it out.

Trè peeked out from his hands.

"Is it gone?" he asked.

"Yeah, you weird arachnophobe," Billie said, laughing with Mike.

"It was huge!" Trè defended, standing up and gingerly picking up his tainted shirt, "I'm washing this next chance I get".

But they knew there were higher feelings when Trè began laughing too.

Five times Billie looked after a band mate, and one time they looked after himWhere stories live. Discover now