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I held my necklace close to my chest, the charm of a butterfly enveloped in my hands. Tears spilling out of my eyes, I cried out in horror as I watched Reboot and Eraser dance upon the field of battle. The sight wasn't pleasant to say the least. Whispers filled the air, I looked over the area seeing no one who could have possible made these sounds. Lights dancing in me filled of vision, getting closer to Reboot and Eraser. The unknown of what these lights were doing scared me. The pit in my stomach grew worse. I felt in that moment that I would never see my friend again. Sprinting forward as the lights grew closer to the two fighting, I pushed Reboot out of the way as the light enveloped me instead of him, taking Eraser with me. Everything faded to darkness as I fell conciseness, no longer able to keep my eyes open, the blurr from my tears being the last thing that I see. In this darkness I heard spouts of anger and frustration. Slowly opening my eyes, seeing a orange filled sky. My tear stained face looked around the area around me. I was on a small piece of land, surrounding me was a ocean, one side filled with coding of the different worlds, while the other side was completely empty. One of creation and the other of the destruction of it. It's like this place was made for Eraser, and Reboot. I looked to the side to see Eraser sitting on the edge, neither of us saying a word. If he's still here, does that mean we can't escape? My thought wondered about.

Days passed, neither of us saying a word to one another, to my dismay, we really couldn't leave. We've tried drowning our selves, reaching out to the coding, anything, just trying to find a way to escape some how... Nothing worked... Frustrated by this nonsense I spent my days needlessly sleeping, each day becoming more restless. One day I waked up to find Eraser gone, bolting up in surprise, checking around me to make sure he was truly gone. I hurriedly reached for the necklace Reboot gave, grasping at it to use the magic inside of it. attempting to teleport away, before Eraser came back and erased me from existence. The necklace began to glow, enveloping me in a bright light. I was teleported to a brightly colorful world. The colors nought making sense with the things the were matched with. A few flowers scattered around were pure white though. This isn't right, I was supposed to teleport straight to Reboot, and how come I don't recognize this place? My thoughts increasing with worry. I wondered around, looking for anyone in sight, never finding anyone. "You'll be a perfect test subject" a sickeningly sweet voice spoke. I turned around to see a rather tall skeleton, with brightly colored clothing. His skeletal like had was hovering over a button that said 'Rewrite'. My eyes widened. I gripped my necklace the same time the skeleton pressed the button.

Teleporting away in fear, I found myself in a dust covered ruins, with two crazed murders. From then on my luck seemed to change forever. For I was no longer able to use the magic embedded necklace, for the magic had disappeared.

Sorry for how short this part is, the actual chapters should be longer so don't worry. I hoped you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions, please tell me in the comments.        

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