Chapter Two: Let the Game Begin

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                    *Do Not

I stayed silent, waiting for the skeleton to respond to my statement. All the while I was glaring at him. " O-o-Oh? ThEn WhAt AbOuT yOuR S-s-S-sAnS? I-i-I hIgHlY D-doUgHt tHaT Y-y-yOuR OriGnAlLy f-FrOm DuSttAlE" the skeleton spoke. " I don't belong to any Au, and I don't know any Ink!!!" I spat out. Even though I seemed confident on the outside, I was terrified on the inside. The skeleton's eyes stayed narrowed. He seemed to be lost in thought, I took a look around and upon a second glance, the ceiling doesn't only have souls, but dolls as well. The creepiest part was the fact that they were all sans dolls, I look at the dolls and the souls one more time. My eyes widened in horror, Was it possible that these were real sanses, and those were their souls?  My thoughts ran wildly. What type of sick sadist was this person?! I glanced back in terrer, my legs trembling in fear. It didn't help that they were already injured. The skeleton let out a glitchy sigh, before long he made another portal and disappeared, making sure to close it behind him so I couldn't escape. I let out a shaky sigh of relief, true I was still trapped, but at least he wasn't here to harm many any further.

I began to walk around, looking at the puppets hanging on the ceiling, my legs in pain all the while. What did they ever do to deserve that? I looked at them sympathetically due to the fact that chances are I couldn't help them. I also looked at them in horror, knowing that it was also possible that, that could end up being me. I looked around and the half human and monster soul caught my attention once more. I walked over to it silently. I looked at the other human and monster souls around it, something seemed different, besides the fact that it was half of a human soul and half of a monsters. I looked around me, making sure that, that sadistic skeleton wasn't back yet. I looked back to the souls, and started to open their coding up, it was a trick Reboot taught me. While Reboot protected the Au's , I helped making sure that a virus didn't leek in, so looking into others things codings wasn't really an issue for me, though I couldn't really do anything else, not while me charm was out of magic.

I looked into each souls coding comparing the differences, besides them being from different Au's. My eyes widened at a realization. All of the monster souls are connected to a puppet, and all of the human souls human's that they are connected to are slowly fading away, but the half human and half monster soul was connected to someone that was still active somewhere, but they seemed to be using some other type of soul energy. My thoughts concluded. I heard a tear in the endless bright area, I instantly knew that, that the sadistic skeleton was back. I took the half human and half monster soul and absorbed it into my charm. As long as I didn't use the souls magical energy, the person to who it belonged to would be fine, and this way they shouldn't fade away or die. I backed away from where the soul was from not wanting the skeleton to suspect anything, I turned my eyes to him, to see an annoyed look on his face. It was obvious that he wasn't in a good mood, and that just made my body shake in fear.

Author's Note: Sorry I didn't post for a while, my keyboard wasn't working, I'll be more careful this time. Also sorry if this chapter was short, I hoped you enjoyed. 

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