Chapter Three: The Meeting

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My legs trembled in fear, I fell backwards. I clutched my charm to my chest, hoping that he wouldn't notice the missing soul. I scrambled backwards trying to get away from that area. His insane  fell upon me. His glare frighting, moments later another skeleton walked through his portal. The moment they stepped through however, the portal that the previous skeleton had opened, closed. The other skeleton reminded me of the way Eraser dressed, although they didn't have black tears streaming down their face. Also instead of having a giant eraser on their back, they had a paintbrush. The skeleton eyed me curiously, "I don't recall every creating them Error, I don't recognize them at all" the skeleton spoke. 'Error' glared at the other skeleton. "HoW D-d-Do YoU N-n-n-N-nOt ReCaLl c-C-CrEaTiNg T-t-ThEm" Error spoke, pointing at me. I coward slightly, the cuts on my legs still bleeding. The other skeleton just rolled their "Eyes" and then they looked over to me. Their skull showed and expression of sympathy. "Error I really don't know who they are, I haven't broken our agreement" the other skeleton sighed out, looking at Error.

Error looked at me and sent me a glare, a one of pure hatred. The other skeleton seemed to be in thought for a moment, before their expression brightened. "How about I take them with me, if they stay here that's is just going to annoy you" the other skeleton suggested. Error let out a glitchy scoff, he looked over to the other skeleton and just glared. The other skeleton kept a straight face not even flinching. Error suddenly just walked off and opened another portal and just left. the other skeleton let out a grin and rushed over to me. He let his hand fall slightly, then moved it towards me, motioning for me to grab it and pull myself up. "Hi, my names Ink. Sorry if Error scared you, but you should be safe now. What's your name by the way?" 'Ink questioned. So this is who Error was talking about earlier My thoughts concluded. I grabbed a hold of Ink's gloved hand, and he pulled me up. He grabbed his paint brush and opened a portal. He nodded his head towards it, motioning for me to walk through. I walked through, limping slightly due to the injuries on my feet. Ink looked at me with a concerned expression. Once a walked through the portal I walked into a white space filled with papers everywhere. Ink walked in after me closing the portal behind him.

"This is the doodles sphere, those papers over their are--" Ink spoke, but before he could finish I cut him off. "Au's, I know" I spoke, looking over to Ink, his eye sockets widened slightly in surprise. They began to fill them selves with curiosity. "How do you know about the Au's?" Ink questioned.  "Reboot taught me, although I don't think you know him based upon the interactions that have happened so far" I spoke. Remembering how Error mentioned Ink, and not Reboot. Ink's eye sockets narrowed in confusion to Reboot's name. "Your right, I don't know him" Ink sighed out. I looked over at the papers, examining them. "I have to go do something, I would imagine that you could get bored with just sitting around, so fill free to go into one of the Au's, you just have to touch one of the papers. If you come across any trouble wait there. After I'm done doing what I'm doing I'll come pick you up"  Ink spoke, he then opened a portal and jumped through, making sure to close it behind himself. I looked over all of the Au's and found one that was completely blank. I didn't believe it was the place that Error was in. So out of curiosity I touched the paper, I was instantly absorbed in.

I looked around the Au to see a Sans in white and black clothing, talking to something that was covered in a black goo. In surprise I stumbled backwards, and tripped over my onto feet. I stumbled onto the ground , making a sound go through the white space. The black blab dispersed and the Sans of that world turned to me in surprise.

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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