two / the crowded car

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after yoongi got off the phone with taehyung he cursed and got up from his comfy spot on his bed. then his phone rang again. "jesus" he said in an angry tone and looked at the caller id, it was hoseok. he huffed and answered it. "yoongi?!" hoseok yelled into the phone, making yoongi cringe from the sudden and loud sound. "yes," he sighed, running low on patience. "okay, so we are all drunk, and uh, yeah we uh need ya' to come pick us up. haha sorry, but we are drunk. so we need you to pick us up." he slurred over the phone to his overwhelmed friend.

"you didn't have to repeat yourself, i heard you the first time twat. also i'm not gonna have room. find a different ride." yoongi said ready to hang up on the helpless boy, but then jimin grabbed the phone, "yooooonnggiiiiii, pleeeeeaaase" jimin was yoongi's weakness, and he couldn't say no to him. which made him even more livid then before, because it made him think about the fact that he does indeed have feelings for the boy. "fine, text me where you guys are," he said before hanging up and rubbing his face in frustration.

meanwhile, taehyung stood there in the parking lot where his car once was rubbing his temples relentlessly. "i can't believe this." he muttered under his breath. manson walked up to him, placing her arm around his shoulder. "yeah, it really fucking sucks here. the people are shitty. i'm sorry, tae" she said looking up into his eyes with a sad sincere smile. he returned the gesture, and the moment felt right so he too placed his arm around her shoulder. she leaned on him for comfort, the joint still in her hand. he looked at it, thinking about the pros and cons.

"if you really wanna try it that bad, just take one puff. it's just weed. i didn't laced it with anything else." she laughed at him holding it up for him to take. he hesitantly took it from the weird girl. he examined it for a second before placing it in between his lips. he inhaled the smoke and held it there until he felt a burning sensation at the back of his throat and he choked on it. he coughed it all out. then took another puff, getting used to it. he actually really liked it.

he felt some of the stress of the situation ease off of his shoulders as the effects slowly began to kick it. "you can finish it" manson said, noticing how much he was enjoying it. he smirked at her, taking another toke. his senses felt heightened and now he was really observing the girl before him. she was an enigma. he wanted to figure her out. even if that meant losing his innocence. in fact, he wanted to experience everything now. he had been a good boy for long enough. he can have his fun, as long as he's safe. he had a good feeling about this girl.

there had always been a part of him that wanted to act out and be rebellious, but he never let it get to him. so why not now? he's on a vacation, from his old life. he can live now, without consequences. and he wanted to go on the journey of finding himself with this girl. who he had just met, but had a feeling she could show him around. "manson, this may sound weird, but will you please corrupt me?" tae asked, desperation dripping from every syllable.

manson looked up at him and her heart ached for a second. she didn't like that. she didn't want to corrupt him, or anyone at all. she suddenly felt bad. she felt as if it was her fault that he has a nearly gone blunt in his hand. if he hadn't been staring at it with so much desire, she wouldn't of given it to him. she asked herself if she put too much pressure on him. she quickly pushed herself off of his body. "no taehyung, i'm sorry, but i won't do that." she said shaking her head.

"how come?" tae asked, not understanding what the deal was. "i don't want to corrupt you. just be yourself, stay innocent." she stated, with droopy pleading eyes and a slight frown. "i don't want to be innocent though. i want to experience things. i'm bored." he shrugged, finishing off the joint and throwing it on the ground, stomping on it. manson watched intently as he tilted his head back and let the white cloudy smoke escape his pink lips. his adam's apple, and sharp jawline made her gulp. she couldn't deny her attraction to him. she was attracted to him the second he walked into that church, bible in hand, looking like a lost child.

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