[Dr.Shaun x Dr.Melendez] Crush

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Having crush on your co-worker isn't really a good idea especially when you're a doctor who works 24/7 and doesn't even have enough time to eat properly... And Dr. Neil Melendez has already learned that from his divorce with Jessica Preston.
However, He couldn't control his feelings toward Dr.Shaun Murphy. And how did he know? Well...

His cheeks went red whenever Shaun compliment him on his work. (Which is weird... I mean... Isn't he's the one who should do the compliment stuff? He's the boss!!) He couldn't look straightly into Shaun's eyes cause he's afraid he might have a heart attack. Even Dr. Brown told him that he seems strange around Shaun. And all of that evidence is enough for him to accept the truth.

Now the big problem is he doesn't know what the other guy thinks.
Shaun never exposes his feelings and nobody know what he's actually thinking. But the good part about that is when Shaun comes up with any new ideas about operations, Neil gets to be the first one to know.
Another hard part would actually be keeping his secret away from other doctors. He can't let them know that he's in love with his co-worker. But it seems like with Dr.Brown being here, this would probably be harder than performing operations for patients with heart attack.

"Doctor Melendez! We need your help! There's a patient waiting in the op room!" He blinks a few times to snap himself back to the present and look up to see Dr. Jared come running to him.

"What happened?" He stands up and follow the young doctor.

"This man is 32 years old. His brain is badly damage and there's a bullet in his chest. His heart rate is getting lower and he's having problem with breathing so the bullet might have get through his lungs."

"So we get the bullet out and Dr. Glassman does the brain surgery?" Dr. Jared shake his head and lead him into the op room.

"Uh...Actually...Dr. Glassman isn't here. We're also doing the brain surgery..."
Dr. Shaun said quietly as he tried to concentrate with the patience in front of him. The man's laying lifeless on the bed and there's blood everywhere. His head was cut open badly, and there's wound all over his entire body.

"...Perhaps we should talk outside" The only woman in the room, Dr. Brown said hesitantly after she saw the look on his face.

"We don't have enough time! We'll need to do something or he'll die." Shaun interrupts.

"There's no way we can help him Shaun. He'll die." Neil said. The man's brain is too damage and even if Dr. Glassman is here, he's not so sure that the doctor could do anything.

"We'll need to try something... Um... I... I'll do the brain surgery and you can remove the bullet." He shake his head immediately. Shaun is a very talented doctor but that doesn't mean he can brings a dead man back to life. Well, the man isn't really dead yet but there's no way he can cure him.

"Well... I think Doctor Shaun could do the brain surgery... I mean he could remember every detail about human's body right? So maybe he can fix it properly?" Kalu nodd along with Claire. Then all three of them turn to their boss.

"...Claire Kalu I need to talk with both of you outside. Shaun wait here." He could here them sighing but he just ignores it and walk outside.

"Look... I know Shaun is very smart and I trust him. But what if the man dies and Shaun blame himself for it?" He said in a worried voice. Then he notice that Claire is grinning at him.

"I know you 'care' about him Doctor. But you know him, don't you? It's better for him to blame himself for making mistakes than for him to feel guilty forever for just standing there." He could see how Kalu smiles at him playfully and how Claire emphasizes the word 'care'. He has a feeling that something bad is going to happen about this.

"..I need some time to consider this alone." The doctor said.

"I'm afraid we don't have enough time."

"Fine. Let's go in." They enter the room. He can hears the relief sigh from Shaun.

"So Shaun and I will do the brain surgery. I believe you and Dr.Kalu can take the bullet out, just make sure you get it out before he stops breathing." He can see how the smiles spread acorss their faces.

"Okay then, let's get working."

"We have the bullet and his lung is fixed. Anything we can help?" Sadly, Dr.Kalu doesn't get any response. The two doctors have been quiet for awhile and they seemed too focused to notice anything.
They just look up at each other and nod. It's like they can telepathy or something and they work pretty well together.

"I can imagine how would their date be like..." Dr. Claire nod. She smiles at the two doctor and continues to watch them.

"Good job, Murphy" Said the doctor after the work was done and both of them look up.

"..." Shaun just nod. They look around and realize that the room is nearly empty and the other nurse is heading to the door.

"Let's go. You should take some rest" But instead of following him, Shaun reaches out and pull his arm causing Neil to turn to him looking confuse.

"Um... Do you like me?" Shaun tilts his head a bit.

"Yes, you're my student and you're smart. Of course I like you." He said, trying to keep his voice normal and act like nothing happened.

"No... I mean... Claire told me you like me?" Shaun said nervously. His hands are playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Oh..." And that's it. An awkward silence fill the whole room while they just stare at each other.

"Well... She's kind of right." Dr. Melendez decides that he needs to break the silence and tell Shaun the truth. He walks over to the young doctor.

"I like you too..." The response he got is beyond his expectations. He thought the younger boy would look at him in disgust. Instead, Shaun walks closer to him and take a hold of his hand.

"..." He decided that there's nothing he need to say so he just reaches up and kiss the taller guy, bringing the silence back to the room. He notice the smile on Shaun's lip and that's all he wants...



First of all, thanks for reading my first story.❤️💕 I just need to apologize about my terrible gramma😰 (I'm Thai and English is my second language so... you know...) Let me know if I make any mistakes and feel free to send me requests!!!!😍😍❤️💕

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