[Dr. Melendez x Reader] The new doctor #1

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You watch as people walk pass the coffee shop while your hands are working on an empty paper.

"So you came here everyday?" You turn your head to the voice and found a man standing next to you. You smile at him and shake your head.
You remembered him from two weeks ago in this cafe. You've know him for awhile. But the two of you don't really get to talk much.

"No, I just came here when I feel stressed from my work." He nodd as he sits down and stares at your draft work.

"So you're an artist?"

"Nope. I just got my job at San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital as a surgeon." You said proudly. But then his eyes widened and his facial expressions change to surprise.

"As a what...?"

"Um...Surgeon. Why?" He just stares at you silently for awhile until you decide that you need to say something.

"Did I just say something wrong...?" He shakes his head.

"No, nothing. Did you remember my name?" You look down in guilt. You're not really good at remembering names.

"Okay, then let me introduce myself again" He stands up and smile.

"My name is Neil Melendez or you can call me doctor Melendez." You drop your pencil in shock as you strare at him unbelievably.

"N...No way...."

"Doctor Andrew told me that there'll be a new doctor working with me, I guess I'm lucky that it's you." He smiles warmly as he bends down and pick the pencil up and hand it to you.

"Uh... Thanks... I'm glad too..." You smile back nervously.
Then both of you sit down and just stares at each other silently. You try to say something but it seems like you can't find your own voice so you just sit there.

"Hmm... So why are you feeling stress? Is it because tomorrow's the first day?" Luckily he breaks the silence for you so you nodd at the question.

"Maybe... I just feel concerned..?"
It's true that you're a smart person and very talented. Everyone arounds you always say that but starting something new always scared you.

"Please don't. If there's anything I can help just tell me." He smiled sweetly.

"Thanks... I need to leave... Uh... See you tomorrow?" He nodd as you stand up and walk out of the cafe.

[On that day @ the hospital]

"Have you heard about the new doctor?" Claire asks in an excitement voice while her hands run through the patient body to recheck before letting them leave the hospital.

"Yes, Doctor Andrews told me that the new doctor is a girl?" Kalu looks up from the paper work on his hand.

"Yup. I heard that she's very nice." She smiled then turn to the patient and nodd as an allowance for them to leave.

"So when is she coming?"

"Tomorrow morning."

[Time Skip to the next day]

"Hey guys! Have you seen her yet? Have she arrived?" Claire ask eagerly.

"Yes, she's here. Doctor Melendez is with her in his room." Shaun explains slowly. He gazes at the closed door on his left side.

"What's she like?" Kalu smiles at the question and answer immediately.

"She's very cute and very friendly. You'd like her." They walk closer to the door and try to listen.


I'm sorry guys😭 I really tried to finish this story but then I need to study for the exam😰 I'll try to publish another half in this week😢

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