2. Fateful Encounters

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I laid in Lucy's bed happily snuggled up in her blankets. I sighed.

"Do I ever have to get up?" I mumbled.

"If you want your breakfast I made, yes,"

I groaned. "Lucy, can't I just have it later?"

She shook her head. "Nope! Come on Levy, get up! You've been in my bed since we got home yesterday from our walk,"

I sighed and rolled off the edge of the bed carrying all of the blankets with me, making Lucy laugh.

"Why didn't you just sit up?" she asked in between laughs.

I shrugged standing up and walking to the kitchen. "I find it hard to get out of bed, so that's usually how I get up,"

This made her laugh even more, to the point of clutching her stomach and wiping tears from her eyes. "You mean, you always do that?"

I pouted. "Shut up, where's my food?"

Lucy grinned and got a plate full of delicious looking food, setting it down in front of me. "Here you go,"

I smiled. "Thanks Lucy,"

She nodded. "I'm gonna go have a bath, alright? You can use it after if you want to,"

"Sound good!" I said.

"Do you need help getting up out of the chair before I go? Are you gonna fall out of that to?"

I glared at my, again, laughing best friend. "Just go have your bath,"

"Fine, fine I'm going!" she said, running to the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

I shook my head, smiling. "God, she's so weird,"

I quickly finished up my food and placed my plate in the sink. I then walked over to Lucy closet and pulled out a few things that I liked. She said since she didn't really want me, or her, to have to run back to my place to grab my clothes that I could just wear hers for the day.

I slipped into a pair of short, blue jean shorts and a cute white blouse. I grabbed my headband from the other day, thankfully white, and tied it around the back with a finishing bow keeping it together.

I frowned when I realized I didn't have anything to really do, but smiled when I thought of how close the bookstore is to Lucy's apartment. I then lightly gasped.

My book should be in today! I thought happily.

I quickly grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled down that I'd be gone to the bookstore for an hour or so to Lucy.

Excited, I placed the note on her bed and rushed out the door to the store.


"Another nice day," I said joyfully, skipping down the street. "I hope the bookstore has some good books for me to read,"

I continued on down the street, not really paying attention to where I was walking. My focus was more on the two hummingbirds flying after each other.

"Aw, that's so cute.." I said, trailing off as I bumped into someone's back. The first thing I realized was that they were really tall.

I backed up a little bit and smiled. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going-"

"Yeah that was pretty careless of you,"

I stared up in shock at the guy in front of me, his long black hair looking messy and his empty red eyes staring at me like he was expecting me to do something.

The Promise Made [GaLe] {A Fairy Tail Fan Fiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora