4. Intrigued

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"Urgh, I knew he was just messing with me!" I growled, as I paced back and forth in front of a bored Lucy.

"Well, yeah. What'd you expect?" she asked.

I pouted and flipped down next to her on the bed. "Well I don't know! But for a while there, he was almost nice,"

Lucy stared at me with disbelief. "No way, there's no possible way he could have been acting nice,"

I shrugged. "He was for a while there, whether you believe it or not,"

"What was he acting like anyway?" she asked.

I thought for a minute. "Well, he was always teasing me, calling me 'Shrimp' and-"

"Wait, 'Shrimp'?" She said, frowning. "Why would he call you that?"

I looked down at the floor, my cheeks turning red as I remember him looking me up and down. "Because I'm short and small," I mumbled.

"That's not very nice, you said he was acting nice!" she said aggravated.

"Well, yeah, but it was just the way he said it I guess. It didn't feel like he meant it in a mean way," I said, my cheeks still tinted pink.

Lucy glanced over at me and raised her eyebrows. "You cheeks are pink,"

I immediately placed both my hands over each of my cheeks and frowned. "Are they?"

"Mhm, so what else happened?" she asked, resting her head in the palm of her hands.

I dramatically gasped and punched her arm. "Nothing! How could you think that?"

She shrugged, smiling. "I don't know, I'm just asking why your cheeks are pink,"

I slowly lowered my hands. "I don't know,

Lucy grinned. "Maybe he was a bit to nice?"

"Lucy!" I said. "Why are you encouraging something like that! He's still the same guy when he was in Phantom Lord!"

"Well, people change Levy," she said. "Think about Juvia. She use to be in Phantom Lord to and she's in our guild now,"

"Yeah, but that's Juvia! That's different!" I said defensively.

"Not really,"

I pouted. "Well, he said he was just messing with me for fun before I took my book and left!"

"I have a feeling he's one of those types that doesn't communicate very well," Lucy said, smirking at the end.

"And, and he's so difficult to be around!" I said, falling back onto the bed. "Besides, even if there's the slightest of the slim chance that I ever may like him, I made him a promised,"

Lucy looked over at me. "What do you mean, 'made a promise'?"

"Uh, he was really making me mad, so I promised him that I'd never like him. Friend or otherwise, and that I'd hate every second I was ever with him," I said, staring up at the ceiling.



"So now what?"

"What'd you mean?" I asked, sitting back up.

"Well, I don't know! It just doesn't seem like a good way to leave things with you guys," she said.

"We didn't leave a good way before, why's it different now?" I stated sourly. "Besides, I can't really do anything about it. Even if I want to go see him I don't know where he would be," I said, sighing. "Can we just talking about something else?"

The Promise Made [GaLe] {A Fairy Tail Fan Fiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin