Part 1

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To say I have blood on my hands is an understatement... I've killed a lot of people, but it was ether them or me. And I refused to die, now on the other hand... After being abandoned by my friends and family, death would be a sweet release. My name is Jade well it's not my first name, but it's the only name you'll know me by. I'm twenty two and at the age of eighteen I was kidnapped from my home. Subjected to bodily torture but mental as well, and before you ask yeah I was raped. I tried to fight back but at the time I was useless, nothing more than a science experiment and punching bag. After a long year of this bullshit I managed to get out, and no I wasn't blind when fighting for my life. That happened later, it was there own fault I was able to fight back. Whatever chemicals they injected me with bonded with my DNA, I know sounds like some Captain American bullshit right? If only... You see after damn near dying in the fight for my life I lost a lot of blood, and sustained even more injuries. When the cops found me I was dying, lucky for me an ambulance wasn't far behind them. My heart stopped a few times but they kept bringing me back. During my surgery's I slipped into a coma, I was stuck like that for three months even spent my nineteenth birthday in this seemingly dead state. My folks visited me a few times, my best friend Dawna visited me the most. But she stopped after my birthday passed, doctors told me that while in my coma my vision slowly faded. My eyes became hazy then eventually became a milky white. Of course they said there was nothing they could do to prevent it, and in truth I didn't care. Though they never shut up about the fact that other than losing my vision, I was completely fine. I was all over the news as the girl who woke from a three month coma with no brain damage, said it was some kind of miracle. Not being the religious type I simply shrugged it off as a lucky brake, but I know now that this wasn't my lucky brake. My lucky brake came from a man by the name of Shelby who loved to play the piano, and for some fucking reason seen potential in me. I owe Shelby my life really, had it not been for him I probably would have thrown myself off a cliff.

As a metal head girl you wouldn't have guessed about my love for the grand piano, but hey there is more than meets the eye with me. With my other senses working overtime, the sound of the grand piano is even more elegant and beautiful. I sat as close as I could to him as he played, pretty much all day everyday... I didn't have much else to do really. When I properly met Shelby I had 'lost' my cane and was slowly wondering towards the piano. And I refuse to wear those damn sunglasses. So he thought I was just wearing contacts, but after I explained to him that I was in fact blind he was rather shocked. After witnessing how people treated me and well reacted to me, he took me under his wing. Shortly after he had me move in with him, only after seeing how my family also treated me. And after two days of living with him, he started to teach me how to play the piano. Said I was a natural and after a year he had me take his place at the mall. "I just want people to see just how talented you are." At this point we were the best of friends! Asshole thought it was funny to watch me fumble around running into a wall every now and again, and never stopped his laughter when I fumbled over the ivory. This story starts on my first day playing at the mall, on a super busy day at that...


Alright enough of this bullshit! How about we get into the story?

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