Part 4

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"Alright Jade the cameras are all set up." I took a seat on the bench and waited for Shelby to announce the first song. I had a long night but that wasn't going to stop me from playing at my best. In truth I played the song without even thinking, my mind was to focused on my nightmare from last night.


 I was in the middle of the woods the air damp and cold, I fumbled around for a few minutes. I was cold lost and still vary much blind, I stopped moving when I heard a mans voice. He was singing I couldn't tell what he was saying, but I didn't really care I followed the sound of his voice. Tripping and stumbling around until I could clearly hear him. "Hello my dear child. What are you doing all the way out here?" I stood still trying to find where he was, hes voice sounded all around me. "I-I'm sorry I don't know where I am, could you help me please?" I felt a hand on my shoulder then a moment later I was pushed into freezing cold water. I grabbed for something, anything! Then a few seconds later I felt something, it was cold and crumbled at my touch. 'Ice! Fuck!' I fell into an iced over river a lake maybe I didn't know. All I knew is I was freezing and I couldn't get out, I tried standing but I couldn't feel anything. 

'Fuck I just got my life together I don't want to die!' Before I could pull myself out, something wrapped around my leg and pulled be under

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'Fuck I just got my life together I don't want to die!' Before I could pull myself out, something wrapped around my leg and pulled be under. 'Shit!' I pulled my leg forward, reaching down I didn't feel anything. Nothing was there, but I was still being pulled further down. I tried to scream but only managed to fill my mouth with water. 'Damn it NO!' Giving another firm tug, my leg was free. 'YES!' I tried swimming to the surface I was meet with solid ice. 'NO NO NO!' I pushed and pushed on the ice, but nothing worked. In panic I sucked in water, I was drowning I was terrified. 'I'm going to die!'

'Fuck shit no no no!' Finally I found the edge, and pulled myself up finally surfacing

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'Fuck shit no no no!' Finally I found the edge, and pulled myself up finally surfacing. I gasped for air coughing up some water right after. "SHELBY PLEASE HELP! SHELBY HELP!" I was screaming as loud as I could. "SHELBY! PLEASE!" I was pulled under once again. 'Fuck!' I was going under.

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