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Sad story about suicide


You're home alone, and this time it'll go farther than ever before. Before it was just a cut here, a bruise there. This time, you know it's going to end. 

 You head for the bathroom with a large kitchen knife. You grab a towel and put it on the floor in front of the tub, even though you know that you won't come out of the tub. You leave your black t-shirt and dark skinny jeans on, as you lay in the hot water. Once it gets close to the top, you shut the water off. You know your life is gong to end tonight, there is no going back. Tonight your suffering ends. Your heart hurts, your head hurts, your scars hurt. You feel like your suffocating.

You put your arm against your leg, and place the large, cool, calming blade against the the bottom of your palm. Vertical, it'll work like a charm. You think. You dig it into your hand, cringing. You drag it down your arm about 3 inches. As the blood leaks into the water, turning it pink, you smile, tears staining your cheeks. Gripping the knife as tight as you can with your left hand, you do the same to your right arm. As the water turns pink, you sink down into the water. Your blonde hair flows around in the water, as your breath your holding runs out. You open your mouth adn the water fills your lungs. 

In a matter of seconds your vision goes black, and you know there is no going back. You're gone, dead, passed.

Your older brother comes home from school. He's always been the families rock, the support. He never cries, never breaks, never lets anyone feel sad. But he didn't know you were sad, you tricked everyone into thinking you were actually happy. You even tricked yourself.

He knocks on the door, and you don't respond. He calls your name, and you don't respond. Finally he decides to open the door, and he sees you. He falls to his knees and grabs your hand. He calls your name, pleading for you to wake up. Tears stream down his face as he realizes that you're dead, you are never coming back. He wants to call 911 but can't find the strength to stand up and leave you. He tricks himself into thinking that he can wake you up.

Finally your younger sister comes home and finds you and your brother. She screams and runs for the phone. She calls 911 and then your parents. Your parents break down crying as they pull you out of the tub. They know that you're dead, gone, they can never see their little girl again. Your father will never walk you down the isle, he will never call you his little angel ever again.

Your mother will never give you advice ever again, she will never take you shopping, she will never braid your hair for you ever again, because you're gone, and she can't do anythign about it but cry.

2 weeks later

Your brother gets home from school, it was his first day back, and it was horrible. Him being popular, and you being not so much, all of his friends had awful things to say about you. He beat up 3 kids, and threatened many more. When he gets home he decides to hang himself. He can't take his baby sister, the one he helped raise, the one he grew up with being gone. Soon enough he is hanging by the cieling fan and your parents are devestated again. He had barely eaten the whole two weeks you were gone, making him light and pale. 

Your father calls the police, as your mother pulls your brothers body down, craddling his head, and chanting prayers. After they've taken him, your mother cries into your fathers chest as tears roll down your fathers cheeks.

"Why are 2 of my babies gone? Why did they do this?" She questions. Your father doesn't have an answer. Two children in a matter of 2 weeks. Your mom stops speaking, and ends up getting fired from her job. Your father walks through his days like a zombie, no feeling, no hope. Your younger sister ends up living with your grandparents, and has gone mute from the truama. 

That girl that knocked your books out of your hands without appologizing or helping you pick them up, she cries everyday and can barely make it through school because she feels  like she could have helped you.

That boy you told that you liked him and he said he didn't feel the same, throws himself around, and hits himself, scattering bruises across his skin.

That girl that used to be your best friend, cries herself to sleep every single night. 

Your homeroom teacher quit, he was so devastated that he didn't notice you were sad that he refuses to teach ever again.

All because you thought you were not important. Because you thought no one cared, you thought you were alone.

10 years later

It's been 10 years and your parents have gone back to their jobs, but still cries at night. Your sister is now 19 and lived with your grandparents until she went off to college. She carries a picture of you, your brother, and her around with her. She misses you, and your brother. She needed you, your parents needed you, your best friend needed you. 

Your parents still walk around- lifeless.

You couldn't see all the people that cared. All the people that wanted you alive, wanted you around. You affected people around you, you thought it wouldn't matter, that those around you wouldn't notice your absence. But they noticed, they cared, they still notice, and they still care. They'll always care.


Okay, so not all of these will be about suicide, but I just decided to make the first one like this. I hope you liked it, and I hope this made anyone who is thinking/has thought/thinks about suicide rethink it.

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