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Sad Romance  ;)


Every day I think about her falling in love with me. We've been close friends for years now. She'd sneak me into her house at night and bring me up to her room, and we'd hop out the window onto the roof, where we'd sit and talk, and stare at the stars. 

Nights like tonight. I put my arm around her, as she curls into the small blanket from the cold. She snuggles into my side and I feel my heart swell up.

"You wanna go inside? You seem cold." I laugh and so does she.

"But the stars!" She says gawking at the stars. I kiss her head and run my hand down from her head to her lower back, and put it back on her shoulder. She has long curly blonde hair and eyes that put emeralds to shame. She smells like vanilla and her lips are so perfect and pink. I wish I could kiss them.



The next day we made plans to hang out around 3, but I figure I'll surprise her at 1. I've got nothing else to do, really. I get there and use the key she gave me about a year ago. Her mom works on Saturdays and her dad died years ago. I look around but don't see her beautiful face, or perfect body anywhere. I faintly hear I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat playing. She must be singing with the music or doing her makeup or something. 

I walk up the stairs and stop at her room. Just as I'm about to knock, I hear her moan loudly. I think I've heard wrong when it happens again, and she's breathing loudly. I open the door and there she is naked with some pig from school. She sees me and goes to cover herself up.  She jumps up and screams my name, but I can't hear anything or see anything anymore. I run down the stairs, tears welling up in my eyes and I run home. I've never cried over a girl or anything stupid like that but I cry for hours. 

I lay on my bed and cry into my pillow. It still smells like her from when she slept over. I don't know how long it was before I fell asleep, but it felt like forever. I suddenly feel someone stroking my hair and my head is in someone's lap.

"Joey?" I hear the love of my life's voice.

"Cali?" I ask, looking up. My eyes are all puffy, I can feel it, and my face is probably red. I drop my head back down to her lap and want to cry again. She has yoga pants on, and a black tank-top, and her long blonde hair is over her shoulders. She just keeps running her hands through my hair, and she looks down at me sweetly. I remember seeing her cover herself up with a sheet and wish that it had been me she was in bed with.

"Joey, are you okay?" She asks me. I sit up next to her and lean my head on her shoulder.

"No." A tear rolls down my cheek without my permission and she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into her. I wrap my arms around her small waist and breath in the smell of vanilla. I love that smell.

"I'm sorry you saw that." I knew that she knew. I kinda figured that she knew that I liked her, I mean it's not that hard to guess.

"Lemme guess, you never have and never will like me like that?" I mumble into her neck. She holds me tighter.

"I'm sorry, Joey. When we first met I had a huge crush on you, but i've moved on." That's probably the worst thing I've ever heard in my life. It's like feeling your heart get ripped out with a spork. I cry harder and we hold each other tight.

"You know I love you, right?" She asks, and it makes me cry more. I know she loves me, as a friend, but I want more. I know it sounds selfish, but I want her to love me as more.

"I love you too." After a while I stop crying and just feel sick.

I hug her but she pulls away.

"I will always love. Maybe those feelings will come back someday. If you wanna wait." she looks sad.

"I'll wait an infinity for you."

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