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Heading inside a Japanese gaming store and Keima still holding my hand...
"Hahaha this is like heaven!" I say excitedly, i let go of his hand and start searching for horror games, (if you hate horror games I'm sorry :<<) finally finding one for (random gaming console) I pick it up and scan it,
'Looks horrific enough! I'm getting this" ignoring the fact that there was probably a whole lot of dating sims that would entertain me a whole lot more I head to the counter to pay for it.
Once i had finished i looked for Keima, who was waiting near the store exit,
"You look annoyed?" I question as i walk towards him,
"There are no new sim releases.." he pouts, he then starts rambling on about how it could effect the company and all that but I take no notice, I just look into his eyes and then grab his hand.
"Let's go" i announce walking out the store with him, i can't see his face but I know he'd be rather surprised by my actions, i wanted to hold it though, I've never wanted to hold another persons hand on purpose before, is this what's its like to want to be friends with someone?

Minutes had passed and i reach my apartment with him still attached to my hand, "you live close to me?"
"I actually live back there," Keima points back from where we had just walked,
"Oh my!-
"I swear if you apologise one more time..." he interrupts me,
I grin at him and open my apartment door, "If you don't want to it's fine.. but would you happen to want to come inside?" He nods then walks inside and looks around,
"Nice apartment" he compliments,
"Thank you, would you like something to drink or eat?" I ask trying be polite, I've only had a few acquaintances over before so this is kind of awkward, what do i do??
"No thank you," Keima sits down at looks at the medium sized tv- oh ye!
"I bought a game! If you want we could play it!" I jump on the spare spot next to him,
"I only play dating sims-
Being rejected, one of my fears...
-but I'd love to" he finishes
Thank god!
I pull out the new horror game i bought and put it into my (random gaming console)...
The screen read ' downloading game script please wait... will take 1 hour ' - (i actually forgot what it usually says when you put a new disk in sorry ;-;)
I totally forgot that it needs to download, oops..
"Will you be able to wait?"
"That's fine with me" he sits back, pulls out his PFP and starts clicking away. I soon follow and pull out my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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