Daniel and Betty - Risk your life to save another

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Ugly Betty: Risk life to Save Another

Well, what you know, Detty fans, yup, I'm back!

Detty inspires me 3

Thanks to my fellow Detty friend Charlie

*Fanfic based events that might cause conure on season 4 eppy 7*

Preface: Look at me!

Betty screaming at comatose Daniel while she was being hauled away by two security guards. Betty was never going to give up fighting, and she needs to get through to Daniel, So she keeps screaming,

"Daniel, Wake up, please, its Betty, listen to me, it is not real, they are brainwashing you, Daniel."

Natiale yelling at the guards, "Shut her up, get her out of her here, She is ruining everything!"

"You won't get away with this, Natalie," Betty told Natiale.

Natalie laughed, "I already am, Betty. Watch this." Then went towards Daniel, whispers in his ear, "Go to the light, Daniel, Molly, is waiting for you."

Daniel then mumbled, "Molly."

Betty shook her hand she had to try harder to get through to Daniel,

"No, Daniel, Don't go the light, Daniel, please look at me." Trying to Musser to get out the clutches of the guards, but she was having to such luck.

Still getting no response from Daniel, looking at him; knowing he was slipping further and further away; She couldn't help but feel responsible for what is happening. If only she could have saved him sooner, none of would have been happening.

Chapter 1: How this all started

one week earlier

It all started a week ago when Daniel announce to MODE that The community of the phoenix would be taking in charge of mode for a week. Everyone was stunned a bewildered in Daniel's decision, Betty she was beyond confused, she knew something wasn't right, and she knew it had Natiale writing all over it. Demanding to know what was going, after the meeting try to get to Daniel; but Betty was stopped by Natiale, as she said,

"Hi, Betty."

Betty trying her best to be beautiful, she said, "Hi, Natalie, listen, I need to speak to Daniel?"

Betty was trying to get to Daniel, but Natiale keeps stepping each way. She went making sure, and Betty didn't go anywhere near Daniel.

Betty sighed as she had enough, "Natalie, don't know what your deal is, but I am Daniel's friend, and I need to speak with him."

Natalie reply, "I know that, but guess what, I am Daniel's friend too and his new assistant, so I am telling you, that Daniel, will be very busy this week, as he will be on vacation, that is why he put me in charge ."

"What! No! Daniel wouldn't do that." She pushed Natalie out a way, charging towards Daniel, she yelled, "Daniel!"

Daniel was smiling as he said, "Betty, no need to shout, what's the problem."

"What's the problem? You are going off on vacation and making Natalie, in Charge, What the heck is going on, Daniel."

Daniel sighed he hated that Betty had to find out this way, but he pulled her aside as they headed back to his office, he shut the door he behind him as said,

"Betty, I am sorry, you found out from Natalie, I was going to tell you but,"

"But what, it slips your mind." Betty hissed

Daniel sighed, "No, didn't I just hated to see you mad at me, and I knew if I told you about Natalie being in charge, you would hate me."

Betty sighed as she walked toward giving a hug, "Daniel, I don't hate you."

"You don't" as hug her back, as they let go their hug, Betty, told him, "Of course I don't but, Daniel, you gotta tell me what's going on,"

Daniel said, "I wish I could, Betty, but I swore not to tell anyone."

"Including me," Betty asked

"Especially you," Daniel said

Betty worried, "Okay, now you have to tell me why you were letting your support group run MODE."

Daniel slipped, "That is the part of the deal."

Betty confused, "Deal? What deal?"

Daniel couldn't keep this secret, especially from Betty, he to tell someone he had to, so he told her, "Bennett, head of the Pheonix, he told me that could see molly again."

Betty astounding to hear what Daniel just said, as she went to clarify, "See Molly? Daniel, Molly, is dead."

"I know that Betty, please don't remind me of that !" Daniel yelled

"Sorry, Daniel, but see molly, how can Bennett do that." Betty apologize

Daniel sighed combed through his hair with his hand, and he said: "I know it sounds crazy, but I believe that he can and will bring Molly back to me, and we made a deal if I get see Molly, I would put the group in charge."

Betty finding this very hard to comprehend I mean didn't know what to think something inside just wants to slap some sense into Daniel but seeing the look in the face he knew that he missed Molly and knew that he would do anything to see Molly again, but the voice of reason couldn't help but say,

"But, Daniel, this is crazy, Bradley, can't make Molly come back; she is gone."

Daniel sighed, Daniel thought Betty understand, and he was disappointed to find out that she didn't, so he told her, "I thought out of the people that matter most to me, that you would understand, but I was wrong, Natalie, was right all along."

Betty scoffed, "Whatever Natalie has told you, she is wrong, and Daniel, I understand, you miss Molly, and I know you do anything to see again, but I don't think Bradley can."

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have told you about this, it was stupid of me, now I have work to do," So headed to his office door open as he moved for her to leave.

Betty couldn't believe what was happened to Daniel; something was off about him, way off about him. However, she still cares about him, heading for the door looking Daniel she told him, "Daniel, I know you are going through a rough time, but just so you know, I care about you, very much, and that I am just looking out for you."

Daniel turned face Betty and told her a stern voice, "If you care about me, would you let me go. Now please leave."

Without saying another word, Betty left, but Betty wasn't going to give up on this; something was up, and she was going to find out what, but she needed the help she could get.

Well that its new chapter coming soon

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