Need a extra hand

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Ugly Betty: Risk Your Life to save another

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*This for all claire/Betty fans*

Chapter 2: Need an extra hand

Betty thought why not during her lunch break to do some background research on the Community of the phoenix, so she tries out google, found their website, shocked to find out that Natiale was a co-founder along with her father, Bradley Collins. And Betty bet that Daniel had no clue about this, which proves Natiale has been indeed lying. So Betty continued with her research as she didn't notice Claire Meade coming as said,

"Need an extra hand, Betty."

"Mrs. Meade," as she shut her laptop quickly, "What you mean?"

"Betty, come on, call me Claire. I see that you are the only looking into the community of the phoenix."

Betty, amazing, she thought, "How did you know?"

Claire smirk, "Betty, you care about my son, and as much I."

Claire pulling a big black organizer sliding it to Betty, Betty opening she saw the info regarding The order of the phoenix, Betty couldn't believe how bad this was a community of the bird got somebody killed after their 7th level of the grief of Acceptance and hope, but there was no acceptance nor hope for a man named Keith Micheals died age 24 died of an overdose of drugs, police said, Bradley made a statement that the man took the drugs after seeing delusions. He was manic depressed over the loss of a loved one. He thought he if he took the drugs, he would see a beloved girlfriend that died in a car accident a year ago. Natalie also stated this was a sad tragedy. She tries to help, but it was already too late. His death ruled as suicide, but his sister, Melanie, thinks his brother has been the murder, and the phoenix took his advantage, but there was evidence to charge the group. Betty was as shut the organizer, and she wonders how could claire get all this info.

"Claire, how do you find this."

"Cal, he has his suspicions too."

"Well, we better show this to Daniel right away, he has to know about this." as got up from ready to head off to tell Daniel everything, but Claire stops yelling

"Betty! stop!"

"Stop, Claire, your son, might be danger here, and you are telling me to stop."

"Yes, Daniel isn't in the right state of mind; right now, what we need to prove that Natalie and Bradley were part in that young man died," Claire told Betty.

Betty sighed, "But how?"

"Don't worry, I am tracking down, Melanie, I am going to talk to her and see what I can do. In the meantime, I need you to stop Daniel from leaving okay." Claire said

"I will try," Betty said,

Claire hugged Betty assuring her, "Don't worry. We are going to get our Daniel back, I promise."

Then as they pulled apart from their hug, Claire left in search of Melanie, wondering what to do to keep Daniel from leaving Betty decided there was another choice but to tell what she and her mother found, hoping it won't be too late.

Daniel and Betty - Risk your life to save anotherWhere stories live. Discover now