What have you done to him?

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Chapter 6: What have you done to him?

Betty and Claire parted ways hoping that one or both would find Daniel, unharmed, unscathed, and rescue him out the clutches of Bennett and Natalie. However, still, Claire, want nothing more to make sure Natalie & Bennet pay for plaguing Daniel's mind, Claire praying Betty would find Daniel and get him to safety, Claire reached the six floors of the phoenix building came across Bennett's office, knowing there was 50% would he would be there she took the chance used all her godmother Strenght kicked the door off its hinges scaring Bennett half to death. Claire burst in his office charged Bennett by grabbing ahold the collar of shirt demanding,

"Where is my son, you son of B$*H."

As Claire was taking care of Bennett, betty made her way up to the seven levels of Phoneix building, hoping to find Daniel, as she didn't want vengeance on neither Natalie nor Bennett all she wanted was to see Daniel and get him out of here once and for all. Betty carefully looking around, there she found an un-guarded curtain, wondering what could be through that curtain, she went her way towards it, open the curtains; startled to find unconscious as body hanging down while just sitting in the middle of the altar of some kind, quicky rushing over to Daniel's side, kneel; trying to wake him, by shaking him, telling him repeatedly,

"Daniel wakes up, please its... "

Before she could tell she was here to save him, Natalie made her presence know, "Well, Well, Well, look who has finally able to grace us with our presence."

Betty stood up as she demanded to know, "What have you done to him?"

"Done to him." Natalie laughed, "What makes you think I would tell you that?" Then she called out, "Guards."

Then two substantial muscle guards dressed like secret service men, enter as they stood aside Natalie, as she orders them to,

"Grab her hold of her."

The two guards did as they told they grab a hold on, Betty by both of her arms, betty trying her to get free but it used all she could do now was reach out to Daniel best she could by screaming,

"Let me go, Daniel, if you can hear its Betty, listen to me, have to wake up, Daniel, wake up!"

"Betty," mumbled,


Natalie had enough known she had to but stop to this. The only way she knew how to she hissed at Betty, "You think that is gonna stop me."

Natalie moved towards Daniel telling him, "Daniel, stay focus, don't let outside voices lead you away from seeing molly, "

"Molly" Daniel mumbled

"Yes, Daniel, soon, you'll be able to see her, " Natalie told him

Betty wasn't going to give up, and she had to try harder to get through to him, " No! Daniel, It not real! You have to let her go, and you let molly go."

"Can't let her go, " mumbled.

Natalie was feeling victorious, "You see! Betty! You can't save him now, and you've failed!"

Betty was trying her best not to feel defeated, and she wasn't her Natalie talk her down, "No, I'm never giving up, never, And I swear, Natalie. I am not going to let you get away with this!"

Will try my best to have fanfic done by Jan 6th :)

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