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Ugly Betty: Risk Your Life to Save Another

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Chapter 3: VS

What was Daniel's problem, betty thought, I mean he didn't hear a word she said, the fact that Natalie has been lying to him all this time, she can't believe that was getting absolutely nothing from Daniel, as his back was turned towards, not saying a word. Betty was fed up with Daniel's attitude. Betty then marched to his desk about to pulled his chair around as she yelled,

"Daniel, Didn't listen to me, Natiale is ...." she didn't get to finish her sentence when Betty turned Daniel's chair not to find, but Natiale says.

"What I am betty?"

"Where is Daniel?" Betty changed the subject,

Natalie then applauded Betty as she got up from Daniel's chair as hovered around Betty, telling her, "Well done, Betty, how fast you were able to manage to find out so much about me in just a few hours, You've have had help didn't you, let me guess, Mommie dearest."

Betty asked again, trying not to give the Natiale the satisfaction of answering any of her questions, "Natiale, where is Daniel?"

"Betty, what you makes you think I would tell you when you haven't answered any of my questions. Now tell me what you do think I am, go on. I know you want to say it."

Betty took a deep breathe as even though she hates to begin rudely, but Natiale she was pushing her, So Betty let her have it as she yelled,

"You! Natalie Collins! Are a two-faced lying Witch! That is what you are!"

Natalie amazed, never thought Betty would be so angry, but then again, Natalie couldn't help but mock her, "You are lying two-faced witch, that is all you can come with Betty."

"I don't need to curse or swear to you; even though you do deserve it, I am not that kind of person. Don't make ask again, where is Daniel?" Betty's patience with Natiale was wearing thin.

Natalie was acting all scared, but she wasn't, "oh, I am so scared, Betty, but really if you must know, sadly, you just miss Daniel, as he went on to his vacation, it was sad to see him leave in the state he was."

Betty confused, "What you mean? What state was he in?"

Natalie admitted, "Very distraught over the fact, and you don't understand him."

Betty hissed, "What, that is not true, I understand him, I know what he is going through, Natalie, I lost my mother, I know it doesn't compare to Daniel losing his father nor Molly, but I understand him Natalie, more than anyone even more than you."

"You think that, don't you, Betty," Natalie asked

"Yes, I do" Betty answering with conviction in her voice

Natalie sighed as she told Betty, "Well, I hate to tell you this, Betty, but before Daniel left, he told him his, Oh Natalie, I am most grateful to you, you are the only one who understands me more Betty ever has."

Betty turned red, and Now she was mad, how dare she say that! Trying to stay composed not to lose her cool, but Betty taking a deep breath faced Natalie and told her, "You are lying, Daniel, would never say, ever, you are trying to put against Daniel, give up on him. Well, you need to know something, I am never going to give up on, Daniel, and I swear, Natalie on my life, I am going to find Daniel, save him from you and your father's evil clutches and make sure to expose you for who you are."

Natalie chuckled as she walked from Betty, and before heading out the door, she turned and said, "I like to see you try, Betty, now if you excuse me, have work to do."

As Natalie left, Betty there standing there, wondering how Daniel could ever trust someone like Natalie.

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