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"Sun- can you go into room 4? You've been summoned again" My manager, John, says walking back behind the desk. I lick my lips and raise my eyebrow at him.

"Type 1 or Type 2?"

"Type 1- it's that nice rich korean boy again" he says writing something in the book. I nod and walk towards the room. Theres only one boy it could be; Park Jimin.

The nice rich Korean boy who keeps insisting to use my services.

I open the door and smile at the platinum haired model sitting comfortably on the sofa, his body relaxed, matching his casual outfit.

"Hey Sunny" His korean words send a shiver down my spine, I smile at him and sit on the cushioned seat next to him. I cross my legs and look at him closely, studying his almost perfect features. His eyes hover over me, moving up and down my figure. He smirks and picks up a drink from the table.

"I'm supposed to be in Italy right now you know? I just got a deal with Dolce and Gabbana" He sips his colourful drink and smiles at me, his eyes squinting as he does.

I tilt my head as he puts the drink back in its place, his body moving closer to me in the process.

"I just couldn't get you off my mind" He moves a strand of hair from my face and leans closer, planting a small kiss on my neck.

He doesn't think he's getting a freebie right?

"You only paid for type 1" I push his chest away and a long belated sigh escapes his lips.

"My manager is getting suspicious about all this money going from my account- I can't afford to pay the rates here" he complains, giving me a brief sad look. His hand travels back to his drink, bringing it back to his lips anxiously.

"Why don't you just go pick up some girl in some club? Why do you keep coming back here?" My hands travel to the top of his shirt, fiddling with the top button as he swirls the remainder of the drink around in the bottom of the glass.

"Half the fun of it Sun is the fact I'm paying for it" he leans in closer, keeping his gaze on me, "knowing I'm in control and that you're only thinking about me"

Inferiority complex.

"Maybe for one night- you can cut me some slack and I'll pay you extra next time okay? I did travel all the way from Italy just to see you again" His lips connect with mine for a short while before he pulls away.

Why does he think I'm got some sort of loyalty card? Use me 5 times and get a 6th free.

Actually that's not a bad idea, I'll have to mention that to John.

"I meant to mention" he leans back into the sofa, I shuffle myself and look at him, "Wait do you want a drink? I forgot to ask" he interrupts himself.

"Please" I nod. He smiles and walks to the minifridge sitting happily in the corner, pulling out one of the more expensive champagnes and two glasses. I give him one more glance, he notices and slows his walk.

He looks really good in a suit, even I must admit.

"My friends are coming down from Korea" he says as he sits back on the sofa, I raise a eyebrow and smile at him.

"Are they models too?"

"Yes- their not as pretty as me though" he mumbles the last part, causing me to laugh a little. He smiles at me and pops the cork, causing me to jump a little.

"My younger friend Jungkook has always wanted to go to a club like this- but he looks so young he's never been allowed in" he says takes a sharp breath inwards, "I'm going to give him this address and your name- please treat him well" he bows slightly and smiles at me.

"He's Korean also?" My eyebrow arches. He nods and I relax.

I try to think what he would look like. I'm picturing brown hair, tall and amazing eyebrows. Which pretty much sums up most models.

"I've been meaning to ask you something as well" he passes me a glass of champagne and I take a small sip.

"What's wrong?" His tone almost shows genuine concern, I ignore it.

"You visit me so much, I've just been wondering why?" I shrug, pretending like I really don't care.

"Why not?" He laughs, I smile at him and shake my head.

"Most men I see only choose me because I'm Asian- hardly any other Asian men choose to be with me, yet here you are" I smile.
He takes a second to think before laughing slightly.

"I choose you because you're korean- my English isn't so good so being with you is refreshing" he nods, his hair moving slightly into his face. He's finally peaked my interest in something.

"Do you not speak English?"

"When I speak English I sound angry- I sound like I'm trying to offend someone" he chuckles, I laugh and take another sip of my champagne.

His hand wonders through his hair causing a exhale from my lips. He looks so effortlessly handsome. Like he doesn't even know what a masterpiece he is- but he obviously does.

"That's another reason I'll send my friends here- only one speaks fluent English" he mumbles.

"Only one?"

"The others speak some English, Namjoon-hyung speaks fluent English but Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok-hyung speak quite good English. The rest of us are just terrible" he says as quiet as before.

"You're not terrible" I move closer to him.

"I'm not?" He says with a smirk appearing on his face, obviously loving every word.

I hum no and push my lips into his again, using my hand to undo his buttons.

"Send your friends- just make sure they pay better than you"


"Morning Sun- You look lovely today" Amy says as she skips into the cafe. I smile at her and continue making my 20th coffee of the day. I look at the clock and sigh; already 3 hours into my 4 hour shift.

"Did you get up to anything last night?" She walks behind the counter and into the cupboard, reappearing with her apron.

"I just stayed at home" I lie, not wanting to replay the night before in my mind. I can't believe I didn't make him pay- I let my emotions get before my work. Never again.

"Well I got up to something very exiting- I went to go see a play in drury Lane" she states, standing next to me with a open posture and snapping me out of my thoughts.
"That's amazing- I'm so jealous" I beam at her.

I finish the coffee and put it on a tray, walking past her and to the nearest table.
I smile at the customer before walking back to the till and looking at her.

"When does your next lecture start?" She questions with a smile.
"It starts at quarter to 4- I'll get there a little late but it's okay" I reassure her, she shakes her head and smiles.

"Go now- you can pick up one of my hours another day, go to college" she says shooing me away from the till. I smile at her and take off my apron and hat, not even bothering to refuse her.

"Thank you Amy" I say gathering my things, she smiles at me once more before I walk out of the cafe.

What a nice girl.

Ugly Duck ~ jhsWhere stories live. Discover now