PinaceaeWings (Open)

40 5 21

Lord help me. Well, here we go.

PinaceaeWings are dragons based off different pines. The different looking the type of pine, the different looking the dragon.

^^ Reference I will use to make the children

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

^^ Reference I will use to make the children.

^^ One of my children and example of what finished product will look like

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

^^ One of my children and example of what finished product will look like.

There are two tribes of these dragons: diploxylon and haploxylon. Another name for these are:
Pineus (ISWEARTOGOD. It's pronounced pine-us.)
Strobus (Strow-bus)

^^ These categories are the first word in the dragon's scientific name.

@ = nope
⭐️ = nope
- = available if no name follows it
( ) = the scientific name. Ex. Pineus Pinea

Pineus (hard wood pines)

⭐️Stone Pine (pinea)
⭐️Swiss Stone Pine (cembra)
⭐️Siberian Pine (sibirica) {My little child ^^}
- Korean Pine (koraiensis) Clearsight01
- Jeffrey's Pine (jeffreyi)
- Chir Pine (roxburghii)
- Ponderosa Pine (ponderosa) Tharkena
- Loblolly Pine (teada)
- Slash Pine (elliotii)
- Shortleaf Pine (echinata)
@ Longleaf Pine (palustris) Pebble_Spider
- Lumholtz's Pine (lumholtzii)

Currently that's all I have. Comment:
Type of pine

Strobus (soft wood pines)

⭐️Single-leaf Pinyon (monophylla
- Parry Pinyon Pine (quadrifolia)
- Texas Pinyon (remota)
- Mexican Stone Pine (cembroides)
- Johann's Pine (johannis)
- Colorado Pinyon (edulis)
- Orizaba Pinyon (orizabensis)
@ Potasi Pinyon (culminicola) Pebble_Spider
- Weeping Pinyon (pinceana)
- Foxtail Pine (balfouriana)
- Western Bristlecone Pine (longaeva)
- Sugar Pine (lambertiana)

Again, all I have. Comment:
Type of pine

Only one dragon total. No refunding crap. Choose wisely.
You must be following me to receive one unless told. Unfollowing afterwards will have me coming after you with spam.
The password is pineapple. This tells me you have read everything.
The initial "purchase" is final once the follow and art has been provided.
THESE ARE A CLOSED SPECIES. YOU MAY NOT EVER RESELL THEM FOR SHÏTY LITTLE DA POINTS OR ANY OTHER ITEMS CONCEIVABLE TO LIFE. I am prepared with a pencil and paper. I will write your name down, and if I find someone who isn't on there with a PinaceaeWing, I'm gonna loose my poops.

Note for Pebble:
You don't have to follow, and I tagged you in the two animuses for your choice.

amigos mis frosty stay ~

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