Chapter Twenty-Nine

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•• Double Update, bc chapter 28 was hella short! Sorry!

I love you guys

**Drinking is involved in the chapter, by the way.

Also, I'm changing the way I do phone calls, it's gonna be like they're having a conversation, with quotation marks and all that jazz.

I think this book is slowly coming to end. And thank you for the 1k reads, means so much! Love ya!

~Shawn's POV~

Alex was texting me all day. I didn't mind, it seems like everything is falling back into place.

Something that worries me about her lately though, is that she keeps talking about the 23rd. One second she wants the 23rd to come faster; the next she wants it to come slower.

"Shawn, are you just gonna stare at your food or are you gonna eat it?" My mom asked, pulling me out of my trance.

"Oh, uhm, I'm not hungry," I said.

"You're always hungry! And it's your favorite!" Aaliyah said.

"I'm just, uhm, worried," I said poking at the food on my plate.

"Worried? Worried about what?" My mom asked.

"Erm, Alex?" I stated, but it came out more as a question.

"Why would you have to worry? Aren't you two broken up?" My mom asked.

"Oh, sort of?" I said.

"Well then you shouldn't be worried, correct?" She asked.

"Well, just because we had a falling out doesn't mean that, uhm, I don't still, you know, love her," I said.

"Oh," My dad said. "Does she love you too?"

"I think she might, but, uhm, I'm not sure," I said. They all nodded.

We ate the rest if dinner in silence. I excused myself and walked upstairs. I opened my door. I stood there for a second. Remembering. I remember how we stood in front of my window kissing, and my mom walked in. I remember how I had to comfort Alex on my bed when Tyler first got here because she thought I would leave her. I remember how Alex and I talked about her attempt of suicide, she told me the day, in fact, it was November 16th when she attempted, and she continued to tell me that, Dallas, her ex-boyfriend, died on the 23rd.

It was all falling together now, Alex was gonna do something to hurt herself on the 23rd. Because that was the day Dallas died. I frantically grabbed my phone and dialed her already memorized number.

**Phone Call**

To: Alex

"Alex?!" I said into the phone.

"Shawn?" She questioned.

"Alex, I-uhm- I have an uncomfortable question," I said awkwardly.

"What might that be?" She asked.

"I uhm, I was wondering if you were thinking about killing yourself?" I asked. No point in beating around the bush. Then a heavy silence fell between us.

"What?!" She asked, a few seconds later, and she sounded alarmed and relieved all at the same time.

"Well, since this time last year, you were in hospital with a suicide attempt, and uh, I remember you telling me that Dallas died on the 23rd and you've been talking about it a lot lately," I stated pacing around my room.

Fallen Angel {Shawn Mendes}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant