Chapter 19

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

What? She had a crush on me? I looked at her in shock. She was looking as if she regretted everything she just said. I move next to her only to have her stiffen. " had a vision?" I ask, trying to not seem as if I wanted to talk about her saying she had a crush on me. She gulps before nodding her head. "Y-You wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"No," she says, shaking her head, "It just brings up questions that I'll never get the answers to."

"How many pills do you have left?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Like two or three," she says, clutching something in her fist. I hold my hand out for it only to have her stuff it under her arm.

"Astrid," I say, a warning in my voice, making her drop a prescription bottle into my palm. I look at it, noticing that it didn't have any labels other than her name. "What is this?" I ask.

"My medicine," she says obviously.

"Well, duh. What's it called?" I ask with a roll of my eyes.

"My dad won't tell me," she says with a shrug.

"Do you know where to get more?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Only my dad knows," she says and an idea comes to mind.

"I'll be back later," I say, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"To get your dad to restock this stuff," I say, holding up the bottle.

"NO! Uh- I mean, it doesn't need to be refilled now, does it?" she asks nervously. I paused at the door and slowly turned to her.

"Do you not want me to meet your dad?" I ask suspiciously.

"What-- uh-- no, why would you think that?!" she was very nervous.

"Astrid, is there something you're keeping from me?" I ask slowly as I walked toward her.

"There's a lot of stuff I'm trying to keep from you, but this one you aren't squeezing out of me," she growled. I smirked as I advanced on her. I knew exactly how to get her to spill. As I get closer, she tries to move away, but I snap my arms around her and pin her to the mattress.

"Astrid, let me warn you that I am the alpha in this house," I tell her quietly and she turns her head away as I bend to kiss her cheek.

"Hiccup, don't!" she begged but it was too late because I was gently setting my lips on her cheek. I kissed her a few times before moving to the crook of her neck. "Hiccup," she protested as I let my tongue tap her ear lope.

"Shh," I breathed in her ear before tapping my lips on her shoulder. I heard her let out a sharp sigh of frustration before her hands grabbed my head and she crashed her lips to mine. I was shocked but it didn't keep me from kissing her back.

"You were missing," her voice was muffled and that drove me to make the kiss deeper. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist.

Astrid's P.O.V.

Why couldn't he just take this disgusting crap at the cove? It wouldn't have been any worse. If this was what he wanted, why didn't he just say so?! He'd better take me home after this. I let out a sigh against his lips as he gently caressed my body, running his fingers through my hair. I felt him nibble my lip and cringed before trying to pull away. He mumbled as he pulled me back and brought his lips back to mine, his teeth sheathed. After a few more minutes, he pulled away and looked at me with a smile as we caught our breath, stolen by the other. His eyes were hungry for more but they suddenly softened. Something in my brain snapped and when he leaned back down, I found myself wanting to kiss him back. I guess it was the part of my brain that's rational. He gently connected our lips and we massaged each other's mouths. The first time, was rough and craving. This time, it was slow and savory. I couldn't believe I was doing this! He was Hiccup Playboy Haddock! Never the same girl twice, never one girl for more than a week. Those were his rules. After a minute, he receded to kissing my neck.

"Hiccup?" I murmured.

"Hm?" he hummed.

"I have to go," I said.

"You're worse then me," he chuckled softly as he went to kissing my jawline.

"No. I mean, I need to leave," I say and he pauses.

"You mean home?" he asked, not lifting his head.

"Please," I said, holding back tears. For some reason I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay in his arms. I had no idea why. I was just so scared, I had to get out of this house.

"Okay," Hiccup said before standing up and reaching under the bed. He pulls my leg out and I put it on before standing up and meeting him at the door. "Are you okay?" he asked as we went to the front door.

"I-...I don't know," I tell him as he opens the door.

"You wanna ride?" he asks. I paused, rubbing my arm.

"Thank you...but no. I think I just need to run," I tell him before backing up and running down the street, not even feeling the pain as the sidewalk stabbed my foot. 

My phone was clutched in my hand and my eyes were so close to releasing waterfalls. My feet hit the pavement harder and faster, the tail of my dress flying behind me. I finally reach my house after about ten minutes and collapse to my knees on the lawn. My lungs were heaving and my arms were shaking as I propped myself up on my hands. My heart was thundering and my mind was anything but clear. I forced myself to my feet as sobs started to seize my body and make me jerk. I ran inside and my dad came from the living room.

"Daddy!" I cried, running into his open arms.

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