Rescue Mission: Prologue

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This story will include Big Hero 6, Tangled, Frozen, and How to Train Your Dragon characters! 



Henry POV

We knew from the start that it would be a risky operation, but I was not about to let one the team get killed by those who believed that the world would be a better place with no equality. They knew that by taking him they would get to me and my second in command, however I am not about to let anyone die on my watch. The name is Haddock, and I am a special forces agent, assassin, and leader of the Rage Rebels an elite community based rebellion team that goes against the Better Life Program that has over taken over North America. The program is divided into three main groups of people, the elite, the commoner, and the scum. Where I come from I would have been an elite, however I left that life behind when the rebellion came knocking at my door. It gave me a chance to escape the stuffy lifestyle and break free. While most of the followers are scum that can't afford much they believe that even though I was an elite that I was made to lead them. However, I wouldn't be who I am today though without my team. First there is my second in command Tadashi Hamada. While he used to believe in not using violence and brute force to gain what we wanted, that all changed after the Better Life Program took his parents and aunt away leaving him and his brother homeless with no other family. Both his brother Hiro and him were commoner folk and didn't put up much of a fight unless Hiro got into trouble. Which frankly was often enough that the Better Lifer's decided that the aunt that was raising both him and his brother was un-fit so to speak and killed her like they did their parents. They wanted to take Hiro too but Tadashi managed to convince them to give him the chance to raise his brother "better". While they allowed for Tadashi one last chance, they eventually went back on their word when they were not getting results fast enough. Meaning, Hiro still got into trouble, it was after another attempt to take the Hiro that Tadashi had lost it. It was then that he and Hiro fled. Interestingly enough, they ended up  on my doorstep. Tadashi had told me that he had heard rumor of a rebellion group just outside the boarders of the country and had managed to make their way to the address that was given to them by another undercover rebel. To say the least I was glad that they made it and gladly gave them a place to stay until they could be properly added to the Rage Rebel systems. After time, others showed up on my doorstep and asked for acceptance into the rebellion. To name a few their was Flynn "Eugene" Rider, he was a commoner thief that had been sought after many times. Then there were Rapunzel Corona, and Merida Dunbroch, like me they were both elites however, they grew tired of the life and fled to find freedom and acceptance. Then their was Finn, Scott, Ted, and Ashley. All of them were commoners except Scott, believe it or not he is actually my cousin how I am related to him I will never know. Finn was known to be a little too smart and began to catch the eye of the Better Lifer's and was chased down multiple times until he managed to flee to the nearest rebel camp. Now Ted and Ashley were pranksters, and they would do anything that involved destruction, they loved it and practically worshipped it. However, because of the trouble and level of destruction they were hunted down and chased out of their home. I found them and brought them to the main camp, where they still do pull pranks but also seem to have developed a better manner for seriousness. After the gang had arrived there came the Arendale sisters Elsa and Anna, both elites, however once the Better Lifer's got wind that Elsa had developed ice powers from an unknown source and cause both sisters were hunted so that they could extract the power from Elsa, however Elsa and Anna managed to escape the hunters by throwing them off long enough to get away to a rebel camp near their home. Lastly there was Astrid. Now I had known Astrid since childhood, she was the first born of the Hofferson Clan. While she had an elite status, she rarely used it. She came to terms to living the life as a commoner and working to earn credit and acceptance. I had admired that of her for a long time and I eventually fell in love with the go getter and leading attitude. It was not until the Better Lifer's offered her a job working for them that she refused and went on her way. However, these people don't take no for an answer. You see it was either join or be killed on sight. While Astrid managed to get away from them long enough to look into fleeing, she was captured and taken to a facility that was ironically close to one of the many camps that I had set up for those who needed to flee. Astrid fought long and hard, and the Better Lifer's ended up almost brainwashing her so that they could reprogram her. However, when I got wind of this, I set out on my own rescue op and managed to infiltrate the building with ease. Turned out I dropped in on the floor that she was held in and I managed to rescue her from the building. While she was unconscious for most of the trip back to base, she woke up to a man in a mask and for a moment she tried to attack me, but after I had removed the mask to show her that it was me, lets just say that there were more than words that were exchanged. It was the rag tag group of thirteen that made the Rage Rebels. It was after these initial thirteen that other people started to see the other side of things and began to rebel. Each of us now have a quadrant that we run and as of now, we were together again and hatching a plan to get back our lost teammate.

Before you freak out, yes there will be another part to this story, and yes I will get it up soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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