Whispers Unraveled

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What voice will you listen to in this life

There's the darkness who's full with strife

Or you can listen to the light

That shines so bright

It will never betray or hurt you

No matter what you could ever do

The light will forgive and love

The darkness will lie about everything above

The light will guide you to the right path

The darkness will try to destroy you with his wrath

The light wants you full of joy and to conquer your dreams

The darkness wants you to believe the light doesn't want you and everything is not what it seems.

For that is the biggest lie he could ever tell

He's mad cause he's not in heaven and in hell

I know you might be a little baffled

That this whispers are now Unraveled

Now that I have given you a clue

What whisper will you listen too?


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Xoxo Much Love

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