The Hateful Sinners

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I'm on the top of their list

It's hilarious, I'm just minding my business

Spreading positivity and happiness

And doing my best,

Stay in your darkness

While I spread the light

I know this got you feeling a little uptight

From all the words of Faith I shine so bright

This is more than jewels or loot

not my fault you can't take the truth

Let me do what I do, you stay in your lane

For my righteousness can't be tamed

You know your ways are wicked and evil

It's not my fault your not a believer ...

For you are the biggest deceiver

And spread lies that you know in your soul are not true

You have no clue

About who you are, you are a lost child

Just crying out loud

For the world to hear ....

Repent and he forgives

He is almighty and still lives

It's never to late

Unless you love a dirty plate ...


Night night ❤️

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