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"Hey Mom what's up?" I asked carefully making sure I didn't upset her.

"Nothing. I'm just checking out your grades."

Shit. I may have gotten a B on a math quiz. It's not that I wasn't paying attention, I just didn't understand what we were learning. She will definitly over react about this tiny mistake. 

"What the fuck is this! You got an 89% on your last math quiz?" Mother screamed at her laptop. "Your not allowed out after school for the next week"

"Mom! You are overreacting! Its just a B, and tomrrow's friday. Please let me go out!" I pleaded Of course she wouldn't let me go out and sent me to my room for the rest of the night. I stomped umstairs, got yelled at for being to loud, then slammed my door and texted Cal. 

Me: Hey

Cal: ayyy lmao

Me: What?

Cal: Lol good one babe! 

Cal: Gtg. text you later

Me: Ok... bye

"Well that was weird" I thought to myself. Oh well, He was probably just tired. Speaking of which, I'm tired right now too! I walked over to my bed and went to sleep. 

        The next morning I get up and put on skinny jeans and a t-shirt then go down stairs and eat my breakfast. I went dowstairs and recieved the cold shoulder from my mom, I ended up having to walk to school. After a 15 minute walk I finally arrived to school, followed by going to my locker and getting my books. I noticed Calum sitting on the floor by his locker so I walked over to see what was wrong. After walking over to him, I sat down next to him waiting a minute before I spoke. 

"Hey Cal, everything okay?"

"Good morning," he said blankly, "Yeah everything's just fine" 

"You know you can talk to me if you ever need anything. You know that, right?" 


        With that Calum got up and walked away, leaving me sitting here on the floor confused. I just sat here, not wanting to move, until the bell rang signaling me to go to homeroom. In homeroom everyone was already sitting in their seats talking amoungst eachother, but Calum wasn't there again. I was worried about Calum. When I talked to him he seemed, different. It's not that he seemed sad he just seemed bored and confused. I wonder what's up with him.  Ten minutes of homeroom passed and Cal still wasn't here. Just  as I was about to get up and go find him he walked into the room, i waved him over to me, but instead he went over to the teacher then left again. What? For the rest of homeroom I just kind of sat there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with myself. Wow, I really need friends. When the bell rang I quickly got up and went to class. Shit! I completely forgot about this math quiz. I only had like 5 minutes to study fot this before we had to take it. 

"Ok Class, Shut your books we have a quiz to take" Mr. Kurt said followed by a bunch of students groans, including mine. 

        I shut my book and took out my pencil. At least this stuff wasn't too hard. After about 15 minutes I finished my quiz, it really wasn't that bad. The rest of the day went by like usual, until lunch. At lunch I usually sit with Calum but he wasnt at his locker or in the cafeteria. Unsure of what to do I kind of just stood there, after about 12 seconds a girl wearing a little black shirt with a white sweater and whitesocks going up to her knees called me over to her. 

"Hey, your Addison right? I'm Gwen. Gwen Carter" 

"Hey Gwen, uh what's up?"

"You looked kind of lost with no friends. Since I have no friends either I would like to ut in an application!" she said jokingly, "Come take a seat" She finished while motioning for me to sit across from her. 

"So, Gwen, how come I haven't seen you around here before?" 

"Nobody really notices me, I like to stay unnoticed, people really aren't my thing" 

"Then why did you talk to me?"

"Honestly. I just really liked your shoes." she said while pointing to my vans. 

"Thanks." The rest of lunch consisteded of us talking about the stupidist, yet funniest things. I like this girl. After lunch I went to the rest of my classes and at the end of the day there was still no sigh of Calum.  I walked home by myself and did all my homeowork as soon as I got home. Around  5 my mom got home and reminded me I was still grounded. I stomped back up to my room and locked my door behind me. Cal texted me and said we were going to a party. I tried to tell him I was grounded but he wouldn't take no for an answer. About thirty minutes later he texted me and told me he was here. I slowly and quietly made my way of of my window so I could go meet up with Calum wjo was parked up the street. When I got to the ground I looked around and noticed that a blond boy was sitting on the porch across the street from me. Without breaking eye contact I walked off my lawn then down to Calum's car. Just before I got in I looked back to see if he was still there, he wasn't. 



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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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