Soul Bound

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                      Soul Binding: Chapter 1
 Introductions are such a hassle. . .

There was a satisfying crack of the sound of wood being split apart as Y/N split the pair of chopsticks that she had picked up with her food at the Chinese restaurant down the street. Steam rose from the little openings in the take out boxes as she popped it open, twirling the chopsticks in thier correct positions to eat. Y/N was still learning how to use them, but she was pretty pleased with how far Y/N had gotten with them as she scooped up her favorite Chinese food with them, then lifted the now full chopsticks to her lips and devouring the bite, wincing a bit on how hot it was still.

Y/N's phone started going off with thier favorite ringtone. It was Y/N's best friend. "Hey girl, what's up?" she asked, shoving another bite into her mouth, savoring the flavor. Y/N's head bobbed in agreement with her best friend, who was telling her about how absolutely sweet her boyfriend was after surprising her after a bad day with a bouquet of her favorite colored flowers before reminding you of the plans to hike up Mount Ebbot tomorrow. Y/N sighed. It'd be nice if she had such a sweet boyfriend.

 Sadly, most boys were more into her best friend than they were in her. Anytime she tried, they either weren't interested once she got to talking to them about her favorite book or movie or something changed and they were busy. It sucked being by herself but hey, at least she had people that loved her and she had her parents too. Even if she got nagged by her mom to get a boyfriend.

 "Wonder if I'll ever find anyone that likes me for me?" she pondered aloud then shrugged her shoulders, pushing the thought into the back of her mind. She turned on the tv and started flicking through the channels, eating her fill of the chinese food she had gotten. Not long after, she had fallen asleep on the couch, her h/c h/l somewhat covering her face as she breathed slow, deep breaths. 

Unnoticed by the sleeping Y/N, in the back of her house a portal opened up, casting a blackish light as a black skeleton entered her living room. 


 Error had been watching this particular AU for quite a while. Originally he had been looking for the human that was supposed to fall into the Underground, liking to take them apart first before approaching versions of himself and his brother. It was a pattern he was familiar with and somewhat comfortable with. He had finally located her at last. But this wasn't right. . . she had yet to fall into the Underground. He had searched for so long, almost derailing his plan to erase her first.

The barrier was still intact. So he had went into the human world near Mount Ebbot to look for that stubborn human child.

 Except she wasn't a child. She was a full grown human. He knew it was her though. This feeling of determination from her was unmistakable. No other humans he had ever met could compare to hers. It was almost like they bathed in it, the humans that fell. She had that same feeling radiating off of her.

 "Well, I guess I get to kill you without your Sans interfering this time. . . Frisk." he said, smirking as he stretched out his hand. This was too easy. . . "You made it far too easy this time Ink." he said and chuckled. 

How angry would his nemisis be when he destroyed his newest toys? Ink always loved the Frisks he and those idiot creators made up most. And here he was, about to rip the life from her lungs.

 Blue strings wrapped around her body, binding her movements. The constricting of the strings woke up Y/N, her e/c eyes still covered in sleep. She tried to use her hand to wipe her eyes to clear them but found she could not move her hands. She blinked what she could away and looked up. Her yelp startled Error and he jerked in surprise, pulling her into the floor by mistake.

 Her body hit the floor with a groan, her nose pressed into the fluffy shaggy carpet. 

"D-dOn'T sCaRe Me LiKe ThAt YoU IdIoT GiRL!" Error exclaimed. Error lifted his hand up and suddenly Y/N was hanging in the air, her feet inches from the cozy carpet. "Wh-what are you?!" she asked, fearfully, her e/c pools of fear.

 Error seemed to scoff. "WhAt I aM hArDlY matters girl. YoUr AbOuT tO dIe. . . BuT dOn'T wOrRy, YoU wOn'T bE aLoNe. SoOn EvErYoNe iN tHiS wReTcHeD tImEliNe WiLl jOiN yOu." the black skeleton said with a devious smirk. Y/N's eyes widened, regaining some color and she began to struggle in her bonds before seeing something interesting. A glowing heart was in front of her. It was curious, but she had other things she needed to focus on.

 She glared down at Error. 

"What are you going to do that for? Don't you know that what your doing is wrong?! That you are murdering people?! You must have some form of conscious!" Y/N cried while struggling in her bonds. Her words seemed to amuse the skeleton creature. "WHaT aN iNtErEsTiNg HuMaN. To AnSwEr YoUr QuEsTiOn, I Am sImPlY FiXiNg WhAt sHoUlDn'T bE. ThIs WoRlD wAs CrEaTeD bY InK aNd ThOsE iDiOt CrEaToRs He SuPpOrTs. OnLy ThE tRuE wOrLd ShOuLd ExIsT. EvErYtHiNg ElSe ArE oNlY gLiTcHeS." he said, his voice going dark except for the occasional curious high pitched.

 "I'm not a glitch! I'm- ugh!" cried the human as the black skeleton wrapped the glowing heart flashing a (s/c) in it's blue strings, making Y/N wince in pain. 

Error's blue strings released her suddenly in that moment, dropping Y/N to the ground with a thump as the black skeleton fell back as well, his hands over his own chest. "Oww. . . what the hell?!" he cried, doing away with the strings.

 The human girl got to her feet and attempted to run but Error stopped her, making her fall a third time that night as he looped his strings around her ankle, yanking her down and pulling the string like he would if he were line fishing and caught a juicy fish, sending Y/N painfully across the carpet, giving her rug burns on her knees and elbows before she got to her hands. 

The skeleton looked cocky which was starting to piss Y/N off. 

 "I dOn'T kNoW wHaT yOu WeRe eXpEcTinG bUt HoWeVeR yOu DiD tHaT, yOu WiLl nOt SaVe yOuRsElF tHaT eAsIlY." Error said, using his strings once more to wrap around your soul and gave it a hearty squeeze, just to get hit with the recoil of the pain. "Oww!" cried Error as his eyes went wide in shock that he was feeling pain whenever he hurt you. Y/N cried out with the pain as well, putting her hand over her chest.

 "Well, looks like you won't be able to kill me after all." Y/N said, watching as Error glared at her. "Stupid human, shut your mouth. I will fix this glitch. . . must be something in your files. . ." he said, getting to his feet. 

You tried to kick the string off of your foot but it suddenly tightened. "Your not going anywhere. . ." he growled and before Y/N could say anything, Error's blue string released her ankle and wrapped firmly around her wrists, forcing them together before binding them tauntly. Her soul was released and gave off a final glow of light before going back into your chest. It was nice and warm unexpectedly.

 "Stupid unkillable human. . ." Error muttered, making a fist and pulling it towards his shoulder, yanking poor Y/N over to him. "Ahh!" Y/N cried, wobbling without her arms to support her. He lead her by a single string towards the portal. Y/N began to struggle, fearful of whatever that thing was. Error looked into the human's e/c eyes. "Stop struggling. I can't hurt you without hurting myself apparantly so your relatively safe." he said. His words made her shudder. Until he could figure out how best to kill her without hurting himself. . . she was safe. "Don't give me a headache or I'll bind you completely, pretty little mouth included." he said, chuckling darkly before yanking her into the anti-void. . . 

Error x Reader: Soul BoundWhere stories live. Discover now