Chapter 3 - What is a Frisk?!

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The monster and human stared at each other moments after they had shouted out those words, the mismatched eyes of Error wide. "INK! You MUST be jOkInG! A HUMAN aS mY sOuLmAtE?! YoU rEaLiZe tHiS iS a MiStAkE!" the black skeleton said as he looked over his shoulder of the dripping ink created portal. "GrEaT! yOu ArE jUsT gOiNg To AbAnDoN Me NoW?!" he yelled. A soul link. . . a soul mate. Why?! Why now?! Why not when he was all alone and needed someone?! When he wasn't so broken?! Why now?!

 The human looked surprised and sighed. A monster was their soul mate? Really? Their soulmate was a monster who enjoyed watching the life of humans and monsters alike suffer before he killed them.

 'A murderer. . . my soul link is a murderer. . . who enjoys playing with people and emotions. . .' Y/N thought, shaking their head. She was innocent. . . Of course they had done things they weren't proud of. . .but never considered of murder. . . 

 Y/N took a breath as Error seemed to be freaking out about all of this. "Well. . .since I really don't know what else to do, why don't we just start over and maybe. . . talk a little?" Y/N suggested, which earned her a cold glare from Error before he sighed and shrugged. 'She's supposedly my soulmate, so I might as well. At least until I find a way to cut the ties to them. Then I'll have my fun. . . hahaha. . .' Error thought and smirked. 

"What's up? My name is Sans, but I go by Error. . ." he said and stayed still as the human offered their hand out to shake.

 "Hi, I'm Y/N! It's nice to meet you Error." they said warmly, as though it was their first meeting and there had been no dragging her to his dimension. "Uh. . . yeah. You can put that away. I don't like to be touched." Error mumbled, looking down to thier outstretched hand. The human quickly dropped it to their side.

 "Oh sorry. Well. . . what kind of things do you like Error?" the human asked curiously. 

 Error considered Y/N for a moment. They were. . . genuinely asking? Most people he met just ran and screamed. But then he couldn't exactly kill her. . . it was the only reason why she didn't do the same he mused. There were some brave ones too, some that went out like first rate heroes. But they still went out like he was snuffing a flame with his strings. But he was getting carried away. 

He snapped his fingers as puppets of the original Sans and Underfell's Sans came from their hiding places in the ceiling. 

 Y/N looked up to see if they could see where they were coming from but they couldn't seem to find any place that they could have came from. They couldn't quite discover where he stored them. So Y/N turned their attention back to Error. The puppets were really cute, actually. Looking into detail on the jacket of the original Sans, she saw that it had been sewn neatly, so much that it was difficult to even see the stitches. Y/N smiled up at Error. 

 "Did you make these yourself? They are really well done. The stitches are hidden well, and takes a good eye to spot." Y/N remarked, causing the black skeleton to look away with a faint blush of blue on his cheekbones. 

 "No, I stole them from a grandma - of course I made them!" Error said sarcastically. Y/N raised a brow but said nothing more, preferring to look at the puppets. They were really cute, and you could tell that he worked hard to create each one. Then it struck Y/N. Error created puppets because he was lonely. There was no other beings here or sense of civilization, no houses besides the one Ink had created for them, or anything. Just Error. "Don't you get any ideas either human! These are MY puppets. Don't touch them! Or me!"

Y/N sighed to themselves. If they were ever going to get out of here, they would need to gain Error's trust, and if they were in fact soul mates, then that was even more a case. If they were really soul mates, then they belonged with Error. . . as scary as that sounded. Maybe they could curb his killing? Maybe, they could make him feel less lonely. . . or at least that's what Y/N hoped. Y/N rememebered the times where she had felt the loneliness  and imagined it ten-fold. How it tore at the heart and even the soul, scarring it. They could only imagine it was much worse for Error. Maybe killing these people and other entities was a way to kill the loneliness, to subdue it since he faced the people he killed. All of this, of course, was speculation. Y/N didn't know enough really about the situation.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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