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    "Are you serious!?"
    "Yes, but I don't know how to tell him." She had regret in her voice. If only she said something sooner.
    "I knew it! I knew it all along!"
    "Bria, its too late now." Why was it too late? You may be wondering. The war has just begun. Not any war but the war people hope is the war to end all wars. World War III. Too many stupid mistakes between leaders. Insults thrown back and forth. As if Bria could read Connie's thoughts she chimed in.
    "Connie, he isn't coming back for a while."
    "That doesn't mean I can't have a crush on him. I mean come on Tom is amazing. He is so nice and funny. He's tall and has perfect brown hair and blue eyes. I just wish he was picked." He had been drafted. Sent into war. Gone. Just. Like. That.
"You have an issue. An obsession even."
"Gee, thanks Bria." And with that she was home. She had been walking home from school everyday for five years now. She would have been lonely today if her friend didn't offer to walk with her. The thing is, Connie and Tom always walked home together. They're best friends, neighbors. She walked in the door, upset. No one was home. It was a Monday at 3:00 pm. Why she thought anyone would be home, she didn't know. Mom would be at work. Dad was gone. Long gone drafted as well. Last Year. Same with her older brother. Now her best friend. The world must hate her. Or something like that. Nothing ever went her way.
———— 2 days later————
Another boring day at school, another awkward conversation on the way home from school. No one home same as the past two days. Unlike the other days, she had no homework or chores to do. She could relax. Or so she thought. About two minutes after she sat down to watch her show, the phone rang. With an exasperated sigh she got up and walked to the phone.
"Connie? Is that you dear?" The voice on the other line side, clearly upset about something.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"Connie it's Meredith, from next door."
"Oh, I'm sorry my mom isn't home right now."
"I didn't call to talk to your mom. I called to talk to you."
"It's tom honey. He was killed."
With those three simple words she dropped the phone. She dropped to the ground and cried. Cried and cried for three hours until her mom got home. Based off her mother's red, puffy eyes, she assumed she already knew what happened.
"Connie we need to talk."
The phone was still on the floor, Connie had managed to move herself to the couch with a blanket.

"Mom I already know. Tom was killed. Meredith called."

"What? I didn't know that. I didn't think this day could get worse."

"What do you mean worse?"

"Connie, come here. I want you to listen and listen close. Your dad isn't coming home. Neither is your brother."

"What? No. no. No. No. No! NO! How! I want to know now!"

"Car bomb. All six people in the car died. Your dad and brother both."

She didn't know what to do. Three of the people she loved were taken away from her today. She would never see them again.

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