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"And so I told him just not to worry anymore," Marcelo says, staring at Cristiano.

"Look, Cris, I'm really sorry I kinda kicked you out of my life. I'm not sure what was going on with me, but I wasn't feeling myself. It's not a proper excuse, but I'm hoping you can forgive me," Laura says, looking hopefully at him.

"Of course I'll forgive you, and I understand. I haven't been feeling the same either," he says.

"See? All made up!" Marcelo exclaims, hugging both of them.

"So, where is Sergio?" Cristiano asks.

"Jaqueline's house," Laura replies, cocking her head to the side.

"Doing what? Having sex?"

Cristiano spits out his water and starts laughing hysterically.

"You're sick," Laura says, flicking Marcelo's ear.

"Laura! I'm home! And I brought you guys dinner!" her dad shouts, entering the house.

"I didn't even ask for anything," Laura says, shrugging. The three get up and run downstairs to the kitchen.

"Fried chicken?" Cristiano gasps.

"Pizza?" Marcelo gasps.

"Root beer?" Laura gasps.

"Mr. Ramos coming in clutch," Marcelo says. He chuckles in return.

"I figured three teenagers would need food," he says, "and lots of it."

"Thank you, Padre," Laura says, hugging him.

"I'll be in the office working on stuff," he says before disappearing into the hall.

They each grab a thing of food and take it into the living room.

"FIFA time! Let's go!" Cristiano shouts, turning on the PlayStation.

"Don't touch my blue remote," Laura says, and she grabs it off the tv stand.

Just as Cristiano goes to hit start, the doorbell rings.

"I got it!" Laura shouts, getting up from the couch and heading to the front door. Outside is Luis Suarez.

"Can I borrow you for a couple minutes?" he asks, not really looking at her. She eyes him strangely, but hollers that she'll be a minute.

"What's up?"

"What is wrong with you?"


"You punched, slapped, and kicked Gerard. Then, you proceeded to break up with my best friend," Luis says, glaring at her. "I seriously need some explanation."

"We haven't even been friends that long, why do you deserve an explanation?" Laura asks, crossing her arms.

"Because my one best friend is laying in his bed crying, not sure what he's done wrong, and the other is in a lot of pain," he says, shaking his head, "and somehow it all leads back to you."

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