CHAPTER 3: ♡♡Chelsea♡♡

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A few minutes later I started to wake up turning my head a little trying to open my eyes but I really couldn't somehow I tried again then they started to open slowly and all I saw was blurry still all around me  I couldn't see anything but pitch black I tried to move but I couldn't either what...  I looked down at my hands they were pin down  and my feet I even felt like my feet wasn't walking no more No what's going on can this be my dream or something the blurness started to fade away little by little I end up turning my head to the other side of where ever I was  I don't know her, her orange long hair laying flat behind her back touching her shoulders just puffy her hair is a beautiful orange  but I really don't know this girl I was looking at her and she was starring up at the ceiling her nice blue eyes but it was pure like a blue diamond like the blue sky silence filled the room wherever  I couldn't hear anything the walls were rusty it smelled old in here like someone died in here black Spots everywhere on the wall is that... blood on the...on... the on the walls did someone die in here ? I don't know whether to be scared or not but I had to try to break the silence I needed to get out of here but how  I can't breath in here I  look down at what I was wearing someone changed my clothes I don't know who I am as I asked the girl with orange hair next to me

Emily: who are you? 

Chelsea: it's Chel-sea your best fri-end

Emily: I don't know any.. Chelsea

My voice sounded raspy and dry as I finish that sentence and weak I never liked sounding like this I don't even know who she is next to me but somehow I felt weak inside she turned her head and started looking at me she had sadness in her eyes as I saw her eyes there were clear tubes attached to her arms and blood going in slow as it was dripping slowly filling the bag up  her arms were strapped down with some kind of lock but I turned my head back I couldn't shook the thought of her saying "Chelsea" as it ranged through my head I don't know any Chelsea but I didn't have that  on my arms they were just strapped down until she said

Chelsea: Em- Emily he-hey

She called me Emily again but who is Emily it looked like she was trying to keep her eyes open right now trying to fight to stay awake but she looked so weak inside and I did too  I had to ask her  how did we get here I said to her

Emily: um were.. were...are we?

She closed her eyes then opened them back slowly and took a small sign came out of her mouth and she began to talk

Chelsea: I.. don't... know Em they got.. yo- you to huh...

Emily: who is E-Em?

Then I watched as I saw a tear drop leave her eye running down her cheek  then I felt cold all of a sudden  

This girl Chelsea began to close her eyes but I made sure she was still alive not to mention she  had a machine next to her for some reason letting the person know that the person is still alive all it kept doing is beeping

A few minutes had went by it was getting dark outside and the sky was blue mixed with purple such pretty colors as I was looking at the window then stared at the clock that was on the wall this clock was a old fashion clock it wasn't to bad though I couldn't really tell what time was it but to me it looked about 7:30 I wasn't sure A feeling of my my mom washed over me chelsea the girl with orange hair started to wake up and I was up couldn't really get  no sleep  as I kept thinking who is Emily  laying on here is hard its not even a comfy bed its a long sliver table like you getting ready to do surgery on a person   The the door swung open as the knob hitting the wall having me to blink my eyes fast and having orange hair girl I keep forgetting her name chelsea right that's her name her face looked scared  and her chest going up and down he or she walked in but me and her had light shining on us from the ceiling on this side of the room but the other side didn't it was pitch black I don't know if it was a he or she came in the person took one step closer to us I felt My lips were  dry that I needed some water to drink I  try to stick out my tongue and lick my lips but my tongue would get tired then the person walked towards Chelsea not in my direction her face was so scared he had something in his hand I couldn't really tell what it was or what it is but I was scared to then she started to scream and it was loud he didn't reveal  his face who is this person I don't know this person    this person had a Scar on his side of his face He lifted up his arm and had some Needle it wasn't no short one to me who knows was it a long needle I couldn't see what it was but felt my heart beating  it was filled with some clear liquid I don't know what that clear stuff is once he had it up some squirted out

Book 1# VAMPIRE LOVEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora