CHAPTER 7: {Elizabeth}

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Elizabeth POV

I walked down the stairs with Derek and the kids furious of that new girl I still feel bad of what happened last night with Carrie and her the new girl she was so scared so  scared of us and I felt bad deep down inside she almost got attacked by two people last night but I know Carrie wasn't going to hurt her well.. Maybe her intention was  But I practically saw a glimpse of her last night when I walked away from the table I'm pretty sure a lot of thoughts were running through her mind but I'm not happy about meeting her because every girl that come into this house with Sean they are never his mate they always dress wild I mean there's nothing wrong with the new girl she's very pretty and nothing is wrong with how she dresses I'm not saying she ain't perfect for him but I do care about him he's like a brother to me I hate to see him get hurt all over again but hearing that she's the one For Sean we will have to see  but what happened with Carrie and her was a mistake last night and Tyler that was never ever suppose to happen we tried to mind link Carrie to not do it but she blocked us out and Jackie even tried but couldn't get through it was like she blocked us out and she was like a ticking bomb Carrie is our girl but all 4 of them are brothers they were little running around playing with each other but me I was little getting abuse by the worst man my father could ever put me with I didn't even have no strength to even stand up to him because I know I would get knocked right back down so I did the one thing and ran away everytime I try to escape I would plan my escape route  he'll hit me choke me against the wall torture me and punish me burn me cut me And he would all over until I was weak because thats what he wanted me to be "WEAK" My  hair was long  and beautiful down my back but it was cut all off by that Evil man  I stopped on the stairs as More than one tear escaped my eyes remembering all that that.. Man did to me they say us vampires don't cry well we do a tear ran down my cheek and Derek stopped and saw the tear fall from my face he turned around to me fully very slowly he stared at me no words he didn't say no Nothing but stared at me he knows when I'm upset when your mated to a male mate they know they could feel everything even when something is wrong or sense it we could also hear from a mile away so I know he felt it until he mind linked me

"What's wrong baby"

I didn't answer as he completely stared at me he has those eyes of a Vicious killer A wild one our mate eyes are the scariest eyes than the female eyes I'm not gonna say I don't love his eyes and the way he looks at me I do he looked up and down at my body and was waiting for me to answer him back or say something to him back I had looked down at the floor as a bunch of memories Clouded my mind to think it felt like I couldn't control it, it was like a projector being played in a movie theater but showing you different clips I let go of Deron's little hand and he jumped down the stairs and ran to his dad side he hid behind him peeking out looking at me something he always does but this thing was attacking my head I fell down on my knees with both my hands holding my head until I heard Derek come my way he came to me but  Tears were all over my face why is this happening what is happening to me

Elizabeth: Make it stop Derek please make it stop..

It was too late I saw blur I saw a blue circle like somebody was waiting in the circle I don't know if its a man or a female it was blur they hand was out wanting me to take their hand scared as I was next thing I know  it took me like a wind out cold was I on the floor passed out I heard Lizzie crying loud and blood ran from the side of my mouth

(( Flashback))

He threw me to the wall making me hit my head and my nose my nose was bleeding I felt it with the tip Of my fingers and looked at it he started choking me I fell to the ground coughing he pulled me by my hair and dragged me across the room as he spoke


The next thing I know everything went black for me

I woke up turning my head to both sides on a pillow in the bed I feel numb and my head feels light headed I looked down at my self I was wearing a white long T-shirt that smelled horrible and have blood on it and dirt both of my wrist were chained to the bedhurting my wrist and my eyes still felt heavy I tried pulling but couldn't break the chains they were to strong to break the locks on the chains

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