chapter eight:alternate universe

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Chapter eight :alternate universe

Warnings: Very dark.

Summary: Looks are always deceiving. One-shot.

Author's Note: I have no idea where this came from…

It was a perfect marriage. Everyone thought so. After all, they'd been on-again off-again since elementary school. Even when they were as young as twelve, everyone knew that one day they would be married. It was just something everyone had assumed. They were perfect in every single way. And they'd finally grown up.

He no longer had a different woman in his bed every night, and after three tries at rehab stopped drinking.

She no longer needed coke to survive every single hour, and after her last try at rehab had stopped snorting. It had been nearly a year now since been clean.

It had been nearly a year now since they'd run into each other in rehab.

It had been nearly six months since they'd been married.

Although many would see that as rash, he was a Bass and she was a Sparks. It was just how they were raised. After all, it had always been assumed they would eventually get married. No one really was surprised they'd moved so quickly. They'd been moving too quickly for their entire lives, and the Bass family needed this marriage.

At every dinner party, everyone claimed they didn't think it was odd when Serena's husband still didn't know what fork to use. They just looked away politely and then later whispered to each other that he was from Brooklyn. It was enough to embarrass Bart, but he never said anything to his step-daughter.

It wasn't until Chuck proposed to Georgina that Bart started telling people that "his son was much smarter about his future than his step-daughter was. If only Serena knew how to make decisions like Chuck did." It was enough to make him want a short engagement like his father had with Lily.

It was a perfect marriage.

Until he started finding baggies of cocaine hidden in strange places in their penthouse.

Until he woke up at night to find her not in bed.

Until he had to start bailing her out of prison for drunk and disorderly behavior in public.

It was a perfect marriage.

Until she started realizing that business meetings didn't go until three in the morning.

Until she found out that Nate Archibald and Blair Waldorf-Archibald were getting a divorce due to nate's infidelity with esme ; a model from Italy.

Until she saw him having lunch with Blair when he was supposed to be at work.

It was a perfect marriage.

Until they were arrested for a domestic dispute in the middle of Times Square.

Until he got so mad at her that he backhanded her into a mirror and that was the last straw for him hitting her.

Until she found a text message from Blair on his phone, and she poisoned the soup their cook had made for dinner.

It was a perfect marriage. Their funeral was even more perfect. Now they were together forever. Just like Georgina wanted.

Nate and Esme were together and married while Blair Was alone

steampunk love affairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora