chapter nine: esme and blair's friendship

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Chapter nine: esme and blair's friendship

What if esme was american and the new girl in school would.she be friends with our very own queen B?

Warning : a lesbian love

A quick fun note before the story starts. In paragraph two, I tossed up what exactly Blair and Esme( in the show maybe Jenny)  would be doing on their 'girl days out.' I decided on "shopping and sipping martinis," still hesitant as I didn't really know if martinis was a thing of rich upper east-siders. Then, watching the premiere of Season 3, Dan says to Vanessa (in talking about Blair) "it's not like we're going shoe shopping and sipping martinis..." or something to that effect. As little a detail as this is, I couldn't believe how mine was NEARLY exactly the same! :O the only thing is I missed was the "shoes."
Okay, so that wasn't at all important, I just thought it was...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. XD haha!

Gossip Girl here.
Have you heard the news? While S is away, B's been out to play. Not with toy-boy turned real-deal, Chuck Bass, but the new BFF. Who's that you ask? Who else but the queen that B crowned, Esme Garrel. Looks like someone's going to be moving up a notch with our beloved upper east-siders. But my 2 cents: be careful who you hang around, little E. Big mean B has bit you before. And I wouldn't count on her licking any wounds after her wolfish stakes kick in.

Every phone on the UES buzzed. The news was in. Blair Waldorf and Esme Garrel were friends. BFFs. Sworn enemies two years ago, the pair had spent the last week shopping and sipping martinis.

Gossip Girl's latest scoop about a BFF formation had spread through the Upper East Side like wildfire. Every bitchy teen was talking about Bsme, or Eair, or whatever this new duo was called.

Both Blair and Esme had ignored it. The two had really grown closer in the past week, leaving behind all the bitterness (which was 95% on Blair's side anyhow). As they made their way back to Blair's, the place was empty of anyone. Eleanor and Cyrus were away and the girls had the night to talk about boys or watch Twilight – or better yet, start a two-woman party and bring out the collection of vodka and New York's finest alcoholic beverages. Maybe blare the music and dance the night away.

ANY of those things would have been more in the norm to what actually happened that night. Yes, the girls had a few drinks, but after becoming a bit tipsy, everything was out of hand. Sheepishly whispering a sentence into Blair's ear, Esme cat-walked her way to B's door. The two had spent the last hour gossiping and drinking with the cool night breeze flowing through the window, but that needed to change. Blair, sitting back on her bed, flopped over to her side-table, reaching for the air-con remote, and scooping it up. Things were about to get heated.

As B clicked on the A/C, E clicked off her innocence. Closing the door for the air-con's sake was one thing; locking it was another. After Esme ensured of no surprise visitors, she shifted down her tight jeans, slowly making her way back to B.

"Blair: I've really had a lot of fun this last week. Us being friends and all," Esme stared the brunette in her brown eyes as her right leg lifted over the material, free of it.
"I've enjoyed us friends and all too," B said hazily. The drinking had affected any chance of a conventional sentence. "Especially that one where Chandler and Monica are in the closet and Monica's parents-"
"I'm not talking about FRIENDS," Esme intervened Blair's very lost sense of thought, unable to keep from chuckling. B was so cute when she was confused. "I'm talking about us... being friends," she stated more clearly and direct this time as she slipped the kick-ass jeans off from around her left ankle.

"Oooohhh," B said, very drawn out, and nodding exaggeratedly. "Hey... How come I can see your knickers?" she asked E, who was barely a metre from B now.
"Because I wanted to show you how pretty they are. See how pretty they are," Esme edged herself closer to Blair, the polka-dot underwear bright and tight around the blonde's waist.

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