chapter eleven : married life

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Chapter eleven:  married life

Mid-January 2019.

Esme panted a little as she bustled about the master suite, trying to correct the mistakes Johnny Dooley made when packing her bag for her long-anticipated, slightly delayed honeymoon. After pressing through the whirlwind of the past couple of months' election, wedding, and inauguration, her physical condition was finally starting to slow her down a bit.

"Mommy can't lie down for a nap right now, Peanut," she cooed softly, caressing her newly rounded middle. "I have to finish getting ready for my big trip with Daddy. I'm almost done, then we're going to rest and have a snack, okay?"

Almost as if in response, she felt the baby shift and kick on her right side. Smiling to herself, she walked back over to her vanity and pulled out an empty makeup case, then sat down and began to fill it.

A knock sounded on the door. She wasn't expecting Nate back from City Hall this early, but maybe he'd decided to surprise her.

"Babe? Is that you?"

"No…" said a woman's voice. She sounded very young and uncertain. "Mr. Dooley told me to come upstairs… he said it was all right."

Esme suddenly remembered. "That's right, yes! I was expecting you. Come right in."

The door opened slowly, and a tall brunette came into the master's suite. Esme liked her at once. She was darkly pretty, and while she wasn't exactly a fashion plate, she was dressed very smartly in a gray suit (nicely tailored) and a shell-pink blouse. The latest season's Chanel glasses were perched on the tip of her nose. (Esme approved.)

"I'm Andrea Anderson. Most people call me Andi."

Esme stood up from the vanity, hand extended. "Hi, Andi. I'm Esme."

"Nice to meet you, Mae – Mrs. Archibald," she said cordially, shaking Esme 's hand. "Mr. Dooley said it might be a good idea for me to shadow you today, since I hear you and the mayor are flying off tonight for your honeymoon…"

"Yes, that's right," said Esme, beckoning Andrea to sit in the lounge area near the windows toward the front of the suite. "Thank you for coming today, especially since I know you don't actually begin until February 1. I really appreciate it."

The young woman seemed flustered. Esme wondered what she'd said wrong. She was very hard on her interns at Waldorf, but this was different. Andrea had been hired to be for her what Johnny was for Nate. She couldn't have a personal assistant who was afraid of her.

"Listen, Andrea. I sense you're feeling uncomfortable. Please know that you came very highly recommended from Nancy Marie, and I'm looking forward to working with you. There's no need to be frightened."

"I'm sorry, it's not that, it's just…" The younger woman took a deep breath, almost as if to steady herself. "It's just that you're so amazing! I can't believe that I got the job out of everyone who applied, especially since I just finished college."

"John Dooley was fresh out of college when Nate hired him… and Nate and I are young ourselves! I want someone who will grow into this position, who I can trust with my husband, my family, and my life. There aren't so many trustworthy people out there to be had… and you came highly recommended!"

Esme laughed to herself, remembering what her recommenders wrote about her – in one household, Andrea Andersen was the only female staffer who hadn't ended up in bed with the mogul's famously promiscuous son!

Beneath her glasses, Andrea's eyes went wide as she misunderstood what Esme was implying.

"Oh, no! Mrs. Archibald, I know you have no reason to believe me, but I'd never do anything to betray your trust. I look up to you and the Mayor… everyone my age does! We can't believe how accomplished you both are at such a young age. It was a privilege to vote for Mayor Archibald… I just can't believe I'm going to be working here!"

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