Eddsworld - Edd

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     "They are out there," he told me. "Fields and fields of them. As far as the eye can see." I wasn't sure what he was talking about. He pointed to the horizon, and I looked but all I could see was a horde of soldiers, tanks, and dead bodies outside the window. I looked back to Tom.  "We need to get out of here!" I exclaimed. He nodded in agreement as rushed towards his room to get his belongings. I rushed to get my lucky can in the cabinet while pulling out a lot of other things in the process. The gun shots were getting closer.

     I rushed towards Matt's room as I saw Tom doing the same. He was carrying his spider crusher, AKA his bass named Susan in his hoodie's pocket. We got to Matt's apartments door. I tried to open it up but it seemed like it was locked. I looked toward Tom with fear. "I can't get it open!" Tom nodded understanding and used his arm to push me back from the door. "Get back." he said. I walked backwards a bit as I watched him kick the door off it's hinges. 

     Matt was inside looking at himself in his mirror. I shivered at all his decor. He seemed not to notice our entrance although Tom slammed the door down. I looked to Tom who had a quizzical look on his face when looking into his room. He actually have never been in his room before so this was quite a sight for him. 

     I sped up to where Matt was standing and tapped him on the shoulder. "EEEEEEEeeeeeeep!" He jumped up and tuned around to face me. He relaxed when he noticed when it was just me. "Oh. Hi E-." "Now is not the time Matt! An army is outside and we need to find safety!!!" Tom interrupted. 

     After Tom finished the floor trembled beneath us. I held my arms out to catch my balance. "Aaaaaah!" I fell over. I was ready to face the floor beneath but instead I was still in the air. The quaking stopped. I caught my breath as I looked up to see Matt holding me up. I realized how close we were and blushed a bit. Once I got my feet placed firmly on the ground I stepped back a bit. "Thanks for catching me." I said while placing my arm behind my neck a slight blush on my cheeks. "No problem." Matt waved at me.

     "GET A ROOM!" Tom teased at us. "Tom stop being so rude!" I shouted back at him. Before he could retaliate there was an explosion at the side of the room making all of us get blown back towards the wall. The glass from all the portraits flew every where as we got scraped badly. 

     My mind fogged up from the impact from my back shattering the glass behind me. "Uhhhhg." I grumble putting my hand to my head. My hoodie seemed to be ripped up so I could see the scratches on my skin. Nothing too severe though. 

     I looked towards Tom. He seems to be passed out on the glass. His blood pooled beneath him. Nothing too major except for around his eyes. The glass seemed to scrape all around that area, but at least nothing got into his eyes. I then looked towards Matt. He seemed terrible. He was out too. A piece of glass got right into his right eye. It oozed of blood as his chin was actually stuck in some glass. 

     I tried to move but my whole body was shot with pain.  "Aaaaaug!" My vision blurred more as I looked toward the whole in the wall. There was a bunch of smoke still surrounding it was a shadowy figure in the middle. Wait. A shadowy figure? I squinted my eyes so I could see them better. My mind fading quickly. The person seemed to have two tufts of hair sticking up. Only one person came to mind.

     "Tord?" I muttered. The person stepped froward confirming my statement. "Hello old fr-" My world went dark before he finished his sentence.

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