Voltron - Lotor

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     It was odd to be in a room full of people who all seemed to look up to my dad like he was some kind of hero. A part of me wanted to see him through their eyes just for a moment. I tried to picture him as a great ruler who treated him subjects respectfully. But that would be a total lie. Do they know what a total ruthless leader he is? He doesn't care for his people or even his own child. I was only brought back for his poor health. 

     I hope to make my rule different though. I am nothing like my disgraceful father. I can bring mercy and make this rules foundation not fear but trust. Having a rule based on fear would easily crumble under our feet.

     The king banned all the half breeds like me from the kingdom but I plan to bring them back to our domain. My friends I found when I was exiled are now my generals. They are more loyal to me than him so I can carry out my true plans. Plus with one of the paladins being a half breed maybe I can persuade them into joining my side. 

     But there still are some people who are against my rule. Rumors got out does (Keith Kogane is gay) that my way of ruling would only make this kingdom weaker letting the weaker species onto our ranks. I'll show them what true power is though. Just you wait. 

     My fathers fascination with the black lion is interfering was his faulty wire. I will stay on the path the glorify our kingdom unlike him. I will manipulate my way to get exactly what I want. No one would even know my true intentions.

     What I truly want. What my goal is. What I deserved in the first place is a real life ballerina Barbie. It all started on my tenth birthday. I just wanted that ballerina Barbie and her pretty pink tutu. Instead they got me the Malibu Barbie. That's not what I asked for. That was not me. I was graceful, delicate not some water surfer. It had to go so I threw it at his face.

     After that I got exiled from the kingdom for "discipline issues". Go figure. Now I just need enough quintessence and supplies to bring them to life. Then we can dance together for the rest of the eternity. 

     If only the paladins understood my motives and not fight this. I am on their side. They even gave me weird nicknames like "Lotion". The quiznak is lotion?! Is it an insult or something? Either if they keep interfering I will destroy them unlike my fathers attempts. Now I just need to execute my plan.

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