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Day by day

Night by night

you're getting better each day

you thought it would take a life time.

you read the poem out loud to the class

telling them about your past.

some people cry,

some people laugh,

some say "she's full of it",

and some start to clap.

some understand,

what was happening to you.

but to some it's a joke,

just a laugh.

the ones who understand,

take your hand.

they say,

"they don't matter anyway!"

they help you recover,

and realize something about life.

Life is precious,

and no one should be sacrificed.

Day by day

Night by night

you're getting a lot better,

and life is alright.


This was probably reallyyy bad!!

But it was what I was thinking!

I'm actually trying to recover and so is one of my friends. I'm doing a lot better then I used to be.

Sorry for not updating in a WHILE!!!! Whoops :/

But thanks for reading my poems. Hopefully better ones to come:)

Love, Lina<3


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