The One

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I'm always the one.

I'm always the one that must be strong.

I have to be strong for everyone.

I keep them going and alive

but deep down I just wanna cry

I break down, away from them.

I don't want them to see my pain.

I have to stay strong.

I have to support them.

but who supports me?

who is my support?

it's hard, oh so hard.

that they don't even see,

I wanna go away so bad.

but I know that they need me.

I don't know what else to say.

except that this pain will never go away.

I know I'm important

to at least a few..

but to me

I'm nothing new.

I guess what I'm saying is

everyone has that one person..

the one they need most.

but did you know,

that person needs a shoulder to cry on too?


I don't even know guys.... I'm just always the one to keep my friends from breaking down... you know?. But what people don't get is that, ya, I am that friend that fakes a smile so my friends don't feel down too.. I am the person that doesn't let people know my true feelings... I'm always 'staying strong' for my friends. but I break down too.. and alot. but I never let them see it... I need a support too, you know... :/

Love , Lina<3 :)

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