• Just A Nobody •

17 1 0

Everyday is a new day... A new start. but, not for all.. For some people it's another day in HELL.
Another day to be taunted and teased. Feeling like you're walking alone in dark hallways when in reality, there is sunshine all around and a huge crowd.
Everything is different when your depressed. The ones that haven't experienced this will never understand. It's not only sadness.
It's the feeling that you have no one, that you're nothing. you're just a waste of space! That's all you will EVER be!! nothing. nobody..
I mean, if you killed yourself tonight no one would notice, right? no one would cry for you. no one would mourn. your just a nobody...... right?.

• I'm Just A Nobody •

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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