Hidden Police Force...Hopefully

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"You Idiots! I can't have this force getting attention, do you know what could happen?! This could get on the news, and then the man that's suing could accidentally alert the press... From both The Fairy and Human Society, you messed it up, now!!" Yelled the Mysti-Cops' Police Chief, if they got out, the government could potentially kill them. Or, at least the Chief, The 2 Mysti-Cops that did it, And all that participated in the revealing of the event that took place and got them caught. The man that sued them. Was a FAMOUS Billionaire.

Yeah, they screwed this up.

"He's Famous, You have got to calm him down!!" The chief Said, not expecting the best results. So, yeah, their jobs (And possibly their lives) Were counting on this.

"We don't know where he lives." Richards said, "Well, Find out! You're both Cops from the SIA, you can do it!! I'm tired of your excuses, I want good results, and not disobedience, both of which you don't give me, and to be honest, I'm sick of it!" the chief Replied, they are bad cops, got results, yes, but not very good at listening, and obeying. They would also cause trouble on the team, all of which they should have been arrested for, but they needed cops, and to be honest, the government does not trust anyone else. Ever. At all. Period. That's purely the only reason they're still there. And when I say "Good Results" I mean, they get arrested, this "Suing" thing, happened a lot.

After that, the chief kicked them out of the office. He didn't have to, nor did he want to, talk to them, anymore.

"I think we screwed up," says Richard, as if he did not do anything, at all.

"You think?!" Said Rawchard Doglous. Who actually, despite his constant...Problems value the job. It's a Miracle.

Well, at least that they're still working there.

"It will be fine, Jewish People are nice." Richard Responds, "And so is the guy that's suing us, but, you don't see him dropping the lawsuit, do you?" says Chard (Rawchard)

"It's okay, we'll just go to this rich dude's fancy mansion, and we'll apologize, and then maybe we can ask him to drop it." Says Richard.

A few hours later...


The rich man slammed the door in their faces.

"Come oh'n, just open up the door..." Richard says as he tiredly walks up to the door, and knocked on it.

"We're Sorryyyy!" He said.

Then the rich opens up the door, and then says, "I will only drop the lawsuit If you pay me back what you owe me in cash."

They pause for a second.

"Youuuuu suuuuuuure-"

"Shut up Richard-" Says Rawchard, as he is currently looking at Richard, and he quickly turns his head to look at the man, "Yes Yes, we will pay you back."

Says Rawchard.

The man's satisfied, "Good." he said, Then he slams the door in their faces. Not harshly, Though.

Richard, an African-American man, and Rawchard Doglous, an elf. A normal elf, not a "Mr. Santa Claus" elf.

"Man. Well, that was a dud."

Richard says, "No, NO, that was not a dud, that is a suc-CESS, That should be forever Remembered, and acknowledged as one, thank you very much."

Rawchard Said, proud of the surprisingly easy solution he found himself into, it was great!! Their jobs are... Possibly staying!

(Even though I wrote this, I cannot guarantee whether they will be able to keep this job or get fired. Thank you for your time, and understanding. Bye)

At the station

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At the station...

In the chief's office...

"We've done it!" Says Richard as they busted open the door, and went into the office, interrupting the chief who has a very important appointment, and meeting going on in his office, right at this very moment. "OK, what Did You do? And you shouldn't be in here, right now-"

"We got rid of the lawsuit." Says Richard

"You did it? Oh, I expected you both to fail.." the chief said, shocked.


"Oh, good, that's great, now I need you two to get out of here." Says the chief, trying to get this done as quickly and as soon as possible.

"Now, all you gotta do is come up with the money!" Richard says as he continues to walk into the office, defying the chief's order, "Uh, w-w-what, Richard?"

Says the chief, "What do mean by 'come up with the' money??"

"Um... I don't know..." Says Richard. "Um, yeah, me neither." Says Rawchard, "If you both keep on lying, I will personally- " The chief stops, solely because the rest of the board members are there.

"Say goodbye. Now, Get Out!!!"

Richard And Rawchard were both, put out (By push) By the chief, They stood as the chief angrily slammed the doors behind them, they walked back to their cop car and the elf went home in his town, and the African-American man went back to HIS home, a mansion in the best black neighborhood ALIVE in his city, It was the best.

It was rich and filled with fame, He was A rich Cop.

When he gets home, he greets his maids at the door, and then one of the maid's babies kicks in her womb, Her ex is not here. He's a loser. Not a deadbeat dad, he's just a loser.

Her ex shows up at door, and then Richard turns around to see him, and then stare dead in the face, they were eyes-to-eyes, and then he asks "Did you try to get a Job? You have a kid cooking in there."

The ex replies "No, I'm sorry, but, I promise-! I'll-!"

He closes the door. He doesn't wanna listen to that.

Richard rubbed the woman's

Belly, and feels her baby kicking, and then walks off, telling the pregnant maid "Sandra, take a day off. Thanks."

Sandra listens and goes to take a day off.

His parents were rich, but they lost their money, while his mom was pregnant, so she had to work until she got rich again. He was born prematurely, because of this.

And As a baby he only drank formula, he couldn't drink any breastmilk because his mother had gotten too many drugs and medicine in her, so, they had to give him formula as a baby.

He goes up to his wife and gives her a peck on the cheek, and then goes to hug his baby boy, a 6-year-old son, and then he hugged his 5-year-old daughter.

Along with his teenage girl,

As they went their own way, he goes to the kitchen, and makes his breakfast, he might be an irresponsible cop at his job, but, he sure is a great man. And then he hears screaming coming from the living room!! And then he, stunned, runs back to the living room to see...

To be continued...

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