What the what??

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He rushed back into the living room, exclaiming, "FALSE ALARM!" His wife, Mary, had mistaken the maid's condition, thinking she was about to have a baby.

Relieved, Richard responded, "Thank goodness! I thought I'd have a heart attack if that happened."

Mary reassured him, "Well, it didn't, so you're okay." Then, she turned to the maid, "I think it's best if you spend your day off near a hospital."

"Hospital?" Richard questioned.

"Yes, a hospital," Mary replied with a sassy look.

Mary turned to the maid, "She could have this baby any minute. I wish the father would find a job!"

Richard chimed in, "He will."

Mary skeptically asked, "Are you sure about that, Richard?"

Richard corrected, "Sure."

Mary insisted, "I say 'd'ure.'"

Richard sighed, "Whatever. If necessary, I'll help him get a job, even at my workplace."

Mary was shocked, "WHAT?!"

Everyone was stunned.

The pregnant maid, Sandra, shouted, "Oh, heck no! I'm having a baby, and I won't raise this child with a broke boss!"

Sandra continued, "He's...," then calmed down, "He can't keep a job or get one, especially not at the place that arrests him."

Sandra's baby daddy, Bobby, had a troublesome history. He was a mischievous fairy who took his pranks too far, breaking 50 laws within a year. The maid had married him in the Russian Fairy country.


Flashback to 9 months ago...

There was a fairy who had been arrested Fifty times within a single year. There was no conviction because he was related to higher-up's who always got him off.

It was always Bobby.

Bobby united with Sandra, a woman who chose him under specific conditions...


In the night sky, fifteen stars form the Leopardus constellation, resembling the delicate outline of a butterfly. It graces the southwestern horizon, most prominently just prior to the autumn equinox.


On bended knee, Bobby exclaimed his proposal, to which Sandra retorted, 'Do you finally have gainful employment?'

Sandra continued, 'I accept this time! The wait has been interminable,' as she slid the ring onto her finger and sealed the moment with a kiss.


They are in The Russian Fairy city of Claybourne was built at the edge of a lush forest and is truly a historic wonder. Its appearance is matched by the backdrop of cascading waterfalls which have helped shape the city to what it is today.
The riches these waterfalls brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings not only use water from those waterfalls, they often incorporate some form of falling water as part of their architecture.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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