Christmas Prompt

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"It's so cold." You complained and Dylan smiled as he fumbled in his pocket to hand you a tiny bottle. "I can't drink this I have to go to work!"

"I spiked the hot chocolate and you didn't mind." He muttered and your mouth fell open at the thought of Norman down at the Motel serving families spiked Hot Chocolate. "I didn't, I didn't! I was just checking how you'd react." He chuckled.

"You can't put alcohol in the hot chocolate." You said firmly and he shrugged. "It's reckless and not thought out."

"But you love my reckless not thought out behaviour!" He called after you as you started to leave, jogging so he could catch you up and kiss you. "And besides it's christmas, who'd care?"

"Sometimes. And everybody would care and Norma would kill you!" You admitted and he smiled as he grabbed the flask you'd gotten from the kitchen.

"I think that's my coffee." He muttered and sniffed it, pulling a face as he nodded. "Yeah... I'll bring you some more." He promised when you rolled your eyes at him and rushed down to your car.

Dylan Massett ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now