... my girlfriend

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You screamed as someone shot at you and out of nowhere another person gripped you by the waist and dragged you out of the line of fire. He smiled and tried to keep you calm despite the large gun in his hands.

"Hey listen I'm not going to hurt you, my names Dylan." He said quickly.

"(Y/N)." You mumbled.

"Right, (Y/N) do you know what you found?" He asked, swallowing nervously when you nodded. "You're going to need to run that way until you hit the road and then skip town as soon as you can."

"But I!" You objected but he shook his head.

"Listen you're not going to get out of this..." Dylan stopped as he glanced up at his partner who'd hurried through the woods to see where he'd gotten to. "Sorry Ethan, this is (Y/N) ... my girlfriend."

"Are you insane Dylan, letting her walk all the way out here on her own she nearly got killed." Ethan muttered. "I'm very sorry for shooting at you but this dumbass didn't tell me about you coming up."

"Oh.... Ok well it's cool I guess." You mumbled quietly. "I should head back anyway."

"Are you kidding me, you came out all this way stay with us for our shifts." Ethan chuckled.

"I'm sorry if I told him he'd still have shot you." Dylan hissed as he led you back to the camp.


Over the next few days Dylan found himself actually growing to enjoy your company, neither men minded giving up part of their food to feed you and there was no complaint from Dylan about having you sat in his lap or snuggled into his sleeping bag with him.

"I know." Ethan muttered to Dylan on the fourth day.

"Know what?" Dylan asked as he watched you carefully from his seat.

"You're not a couple, you both act like two people who just met and want to start dating not a long term couple." He said carefully as he watched Dylan's reaction.

"I don't know what you mean." Dylan muttered coldly.

"How many guys your age would let their girl sleep in the same sleeping bag as them without getting handsy, wearing your T-shit while she's curled up with you... if that were me I'd be all over her." Ethan grinned when Dylan chuckled.

"I think she'd get annoyed if I treid that out here." Dylan explained.

"Whatever you say." Ethan chuckled as you wondered back to them.


"(Y/N) you're shivering do you want my jacket?" Dylan hummed as he woke up to find you trying to hid your cold hands under his arms.

"Yes please." You whispered, glancing to where Ethan was asleep.

"Here... you know I'm sorry that you got stuck up here right?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, thanks for saving my life." You mumbled quietly.

"It's fine... I'm glad you stayed, I think I really like you." Dylan admitted as your head rested on his chest.

"I'm starting to like you to." You say back quickly.

Dylan Massett ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang