Chapter 5

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Yeeeeeeeeeah finished my hardest final! Only one left and then I'm off to be a Junior <3

- Sam <3


Alan couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier that day. He was laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, and occasionally biting his lip. It wasn't fake; whatever the thing that comforted was, it was THERE, and it was REAL.

He also couldn't stop questioning himself on why he kept comparing the mysterious figure to Austin. But there was no possible way they could be the same person.

Alan was starting to doze off, until he heard a soft tapping at his window. He quickly opened his eyes and groaned, rubbing his eyes and turning on his lap, glancing in the window and seeing... Austin?

Austin gave a goofy smile and waved quickly at him, and he made a face when he accidentally slammed his face onto the glass, then fell down, causing a loud thumping noise to erupt into the air outside. Alan sighed deeply and shook his head, standing up and being thankful his grandma was a heavy sleeper.

He walked up to the window and stood on a stool, opening it and staring down at a pouting Austin. Alan had to admit that the tall man looked adorable in sweat pants and a black tank top that showed off a couple tattoos.

'His pout, though.' Alan smirked to himself, and parted his lips to say, "I bet that hurt. What the fuck are you doing here this late at night, Carlile?!" Alan whisper yelled. Austin got up and brushed off his pants, standing up straight afterwards and showing his true height. His goofy, sweet grin was back.

"I wanted to show you something. Come on." He reached in the window and took Alan's wrists. The ginger made a panicked noise and flopped around like a fish when he was being pulled out of the window. He grunted when he landed in a pair of strong arms.

Austin glanced down at him and winked, and Alan glared at him with his cheeks turning a soft pink color. "You're so cute!" Austin smiled and laughed, carrying Alan down the back porch steps and towards the forest.

Alan huffed and crossed his arms to his chest: allowing himself to be carried, and he made a curious, nervous face as they headed down into the woods. "You're not going to murder me, are you?"

That made Austin laugh, and shake his head. "No. But you're in for one hell of a surprise."

Alan glanced around as fire flies started to surround the area, and he parted his lips and allowed himself to stare in awe. He squeaked when Austin almost slipped on a stick, and they both ended up laughing.

Alan held onto Austin as they went down a hill and to a small stream. It was relaxing; the soft sounds of water trickling past the rocks.

"Why did you bring me down here?" Alan asked softly, wanting to be put down. Austin sighed softly and put him down, and walked and picked a dandelion and walked back to Alan, twirling it lightly in his fingers.

"There are many reasons why I did, and I highly doubt you'd believe in any of them." Austin murmured softly, and Alan raised an eyebrow as he looked over him. "What do you mean?" Alan simply asked.

Austin bit his lip, and glanced into Alan's large, golden hazel eyes. "You're in pain." He said straight forward. Alan laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"How so?" He challenged. Austin rolled his eyes now, and moved a little closer.

"I know you can't live with yourself. I can see how much you hate yourself when I look into your eyes. As much as I wish I didn't, you do, and-..."

"Hold the fuck up." Alan growled sharply and put up a hand. "You have no right to start a therapy session with me. You don't even KNOW me." He hissed, and took a step back. Austin watched, not phased by what Alan had just said.

"You're wrong." Austin whispered, and Alan stared at him and his body trembled again.

"Look, I just really don't talking about what I go through-..." "I already know what you go through, so no need to tell me." Alan almost flinched away when Austin touched his back, but he didn't. Instead, he was brought over to the stream, and he stared down at the water.

Austin flicked his fingers, and suddenly the water slowed down enough to where Alan could see his reflection. Only when Austin shone his phone light down on the water, of course.

Alan frowned and looked away, but Austin gently from behind, pushed Alan's cheek to make him look down at his reflection.

"I know what problems you have, but WHY do you hate yourself so much?" Austin whispered softly into Alan's ear. Alan frowned sadly and his eyes started to water up:

"I fucked up. I turned into something I promised I never would turn into." He whispered and hugged himself. "I promised my parents before they died I wouldn't fall." His voice cracked.

Austin gently rubbed Alan's back, and leaned his cheek onto Alan's head. "And why did you let yourself fall?" Austin sighed.

Alan stood there for a moment, wrote shrugging slightly. "I thought I could deal with the death of my parents easily. I gave up on everything and got in with the wrong people..."

He stared into the eyes of his reflection, and his tears trickled down his cheeks and into the water, making it ripple.

"It's not your fault, Alan."

Alan quickly moved away from Austin and stared at him in shock. Could he read his mind?

"Your parents dying is not your fault. They loved you very much, and they still do." Austin smiled softly.

Alan whimpered and looked away. "How can you read me so easily? How do you know they still love me? What ARE you?" He glared at him, sniffing and trying to stop more tears from falling.

Austin moved close again, and slipped the dandelion into his hair. "I'm your antidote. I'm your way out from getting stuck in a hole you won't be able to dig yourself out of."

Alan stared into his eyes, and couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I'm your guardian angel."


Alan had woken up, his eyes wide as he stared up at the ceiling.


Was that just a dream...?

He slowly got out of bed and looked around. The window was closed, and there was no face smudges from Austin falling onto it. He stood there, processing the idea into his head that all of that was just a dream.

He had gotten ready for school, and left after be kissed his grandmas cheek and fed his pets.

He walked to school, and after a couple hours of school, he found himself trying to look for Austin. He wasn't at school.

"Alan, some weird guy asked me to give this to you this morning. He just randomly showed at my front door and handed this to me." Phil said and shrugged, walking to Alan.

Alan gasped, twirling the small dandelion in between his fingers. A small note was wrapped around it, so he slid it off and opened it, reading it as well.

'You will be free.'


I really enjoyed writing this chapter! Please comment and vote and add this to your reading list! More awesome chapters soon to come! Don't forget to smile today!

- Sam <3

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